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Distribution of several neural active substances in medullary visceral zone in cat
Authors:Ge Xu   Rao Zhiren   Yang Zhijun
Abstract:objective: The distribution of catecholamine (tyrosine hydroxylase as marker), serotonin and neuropeptides (substance P, neuropeptide Y and Met-enkephaline) immunoreactive positive structures (nerve cell bodies, nerve fibers and terminals ) were investigated in medullary visceral zone (MVZ) of the cat. Meth ods: Immunohistochemical ABC method was used. Results: The above-mentioned immunoreactive positive structures are relatively densely distributed in the MVZ of the cat, which is an arc zone from the dorsomedial region to the ventrolateral region in the coronal section of the middle and caudal medulla oblongata. Conclu sion: lt is suggested that the MVZ of the cat is a relatively independent functional structural area.
Keywords:tyrosine hydroxylase  serotonin  neuropeptides  medullary visceral zone
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