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作者姓名:徐亚琴  胡江华  贺振年  张斌  沈红维
作者单位:[1]宁波市北仑区人民医院浙大一院北仑分院,浙江宁波315800 [2]宁波市第六医院康复科,浙江宁波315800
摘    要:目的探讨健康教育对提高关节镜辅助下微创治疗踝部骨折的疗效。方法选择2011年1月-2013年1月在我院进行关节镜辅助下微创治疗的踝部骨折患者22例,全部患者随机分为干预组和对照组各11例,对照组采取随机对症护理,干预组在围术期着重实施系统性的健康教育。比较两组的①健康教育干预效果观察:制定健康教育干预问卷调查表,内容包括患肢的体位摆放、患肢血液循环、牵引和固定的注意事项、术前准备事项、伤口的观察及下肢关节和肌肉收缩功能的锻炼、出院后注意事项等内容,满分100分,80分以上优,60-80分良,60分以下差。②护理满意度的调查内容包括服务态度、操作技术、工作责任心、语言沟通技巧、入院宣教、文明礼仪、基础护理等,满分100分,≥90分满意,80-89分较满意,不满意〈80分。③采用汉密尔顿焦虑量表SAS进行评定。SAS评分〈7分为无焦虑,7-13分为轻度焦虑,14-20分为中度焦虑,〉20分为重度焦虑。结果干预组患者实施健康教育后患者轻度焦虑率占54.5%、无焦虑率27.2%,明显高于对照组(P〈0.05)。干预组患者实施健康教育后患者对健康教育知识掌握的优良率达90.9%。明显高于对照组(P〈0.05)。干预组患者护理满意度达90.9%,明显高于对照组(P〈0.05)。结论在关节镜辅助下微创治疗踝部骨折的围术期实施系统的健康教育,有利于减轻患者的焦虑心理,促进患者关节功能的恢复,减少并发症的发生,提高护理满意度。

关 键 词:关节镜  踝部骨折  健康教育  焦虑  护理满意度

Observation on curative effects of health education intervention to improve arthroscopic-assisted minimally invasive treatment of ankle fractures
Institution:XU Yaqin HU Jianghua HE Zhennian ZHANG Bin SHEN Hongtvei( 1.Ningbo City Beilun District People's Hospital (Beilun Branch Hospital of the First Affiliated Hospital to Zhejiang University),Ningbo 315800, China,2. Departmem of Rehabilitation,the Sixth People's Hospital of Ningbo, Ningbo 315800,China)
Abstract:Objective To investigate the efficacy of health education intervention to improve arthroscopicassisted mini mally invasive treatment of anklefractures. Methods A total of 22 cases ankle fracture patients were randomly divided into perioperative intervention group and the control group ,11 cases in the control group treated with a random symp tomatic care, 11 cases in the intervention group focused on the implementation of systematic health education interven tion in the perioperative period. Compared the two groups 1) health education intervention effect was observed: the de velopment of health education intervention questionnaire, including limb placed in position, limb blood circulation, traction and stationary precautions, preoperative preparation matters, and the wound was observed content workout low er limb joints and muscles contractile function after discharge precautions, out of 100 points, more than 80 points of excellent, a good 60 to 80 points as well, less than 60 points for the poor. 2) The survey included satisfaction with care attitude, technique, sense of responsibility, language, communication skills, missionary hospital, civilized manners, basic care, out of 100 points, ≥90 points,80 to 89 points satisfactory satisfactory, not satisfaction 〈80 points. 3)SAS was e valuated by the Hamilton Anxiety Scale, SAS score 〈7 points were without anxiety, 7 to 13 divided into mild anxiety, 1420 moderate anxiety,〉 20 severe anxiety. Results The intervention group patients after the implementation of the health education of patients with mild anxiety rate of 54;5%, 27.2% without anxiety were significantly higher, the dif ference was significant between the two groups(P 〈0.05). After the intervention group patients with excellent health ed ucation health education master "s rate was 90.9%, significantly higher than the control group,the difference was signif icant (P 〈0.05). The findings of patient care intervention group showed its satisfaction satisfaction rate of 90.9%, was significantly higher than the control group, the difference was significant between the two groups (P 〈0.05). Conclu sion Arthroseopic assisted minimally invasive treatment of ankle fractures implemented perioperative system of health education interventions will help reduce the patient's anxiety, promote the recovery of patients with joint function and reduce comolications and improve nursing satisfaction.
Keywords:Arthroscopy  Ankle fracture  Health education  Anxiety  Nursing satisfaction
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