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摘    要:本文首先论述了建设好一支临床医学创新型导师队伍,使其培养出具有国际水平的医学研究生的重要性,然后分析了目前影响临床医学创新性导师队伍建设的凸显问题,最后提出了创建临床医学创新性导师队伍的策略:建立完善的临床医学导师队伍遴选机制;加强临床医学导师队伍培养体系;完善临床医学导师队伍激励政策;加强临床医学导师团队建设,选拔学科领头人;明确岗位意识,推动临床医学导师责任制。总之,建立高质量的创新型临床医学研究生导师队伍对研究生培养意义重大。

关 键 词:临床医学  创新型导师队伍  遴选机制  激励政策

Problems and solutions in the construction of innovative postgraduate tutor team for clinical medicine
Abstract:This article firstly discusses the importance of building a team of clinical medical innovative instructors to train international medical graduate students. Then it analyzes the prominent problems that currently affect the construction of innovative clinical instructors, and finally proposes strategies for creating a team of innovative clinical mentors: establishing a comprehensive selection mechanism for clinical medical instructors; strengthening the training system for clinical medicine instructors; improving incentives policy for clinical medicine instructors; strengthening team building for clinical medical instructors, selecting discipline leaders; defining post awareness and promoting the responsibility of clinical medical instructors. In short, the establishment of a high-quality innovative team of clinical medical graduate supervisors is of great significance for graduate students training.
Keywords:Clinical medicine   Innovative tutor team   Selection mechanism   Incentive policy
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