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作者姓名:程飞  袁普卫  刘德玉
作者单位:南京中医药大学附属徐州医院,江苏 徐州,221000 陕西中医药大学第一附属医院,陕西 咸阳,712000
摘    要:刘德玉教授认为,膝关节骨性关节炎(KOA)的中医病因病机特点是肝肾亏虚与瘀血痹阻并存,虚致瘀,瘀又加重虚,两者相互作用,形成恶性循环。本病属于本虚标实,肝肾亏虚为其发病的根本,瘀血阻痹为其发病的关键。肝肾亏虚,肾精虚弱,无力化肝血,致使血不荣筋骨;气血不足,运行不畅,致使瘀血阻滞;不荣则痛、不通则痛致使关节疼痛、筋脉拘挛、屈伸不利而发病。治疗当以补益肝肾、活血化瘀、通络止痛为原则,从而达到标本兼治的目的,也体现了急则治其标、缓则治其本的学术思想和其三位一体的诊疗思想。

关 键 词:膝骨性关节炎  肝肾亏虚  瘀血痹阻  补肾蠲痹汤  刘德玉  knee  osteoarthritis  liver  and  kidney  deficiency  blood  stasis  Kidney-tonifying  impediment-alleviating  decoction  LIU  Deyu

Professor LIU Deyu's experience on the treatment of knee osteoarthritis from the aspect of deficiency and stasis
CHENG Fei,YUAN Puwei,LIU Deyu.Professor LIU Deyu's experience on the treatment of knee osteoarthritis from the aspect of deficiency and stasis[J].Journal of Changchun College of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2018(1):61-63.
Authors:CHENG Fei  YUAN Puwei  LIU Deyu
Abstract:Professor LIU Deyu believes that the TCM etiology and pathogenesis of knee osteoarthritis (KOA) is characterized by deficiency of liver and kidney and stagnation of blood stasis, deficiency leads to blood stasis, blood stasis aggravates deficiency, they interact each other to form a vicious circle. The disease belongs to the root vacuity and arthralgia, the deficiency of the liver and kidney is the basis of its onset, and the stagnation of blood stasis is the key to its onset. Deficiency of liver and kidney and weakness of kidney essence lead to inability to change liver blood, resulting in blood can not nourish bones and muscles.Insufficiency of qi and blood and sluggish operation lead to stagnation of blood stasis. Blood-insufficiency and obstruction lead to pain, spastic muscles and inflexible flexion and extension eventually lead to morbidity. Treatment should be based on the principle of invigorating the liver and kidney, activating blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis, dredging collaterals and relieving pain, in order to achieve the purpose of treating both the root and branch, it also embodies the academic thought of "In urgent conditions, treat the branch. In moderate conditions, treat the root ", and its Trinity diagnosis and treatment thought.
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