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引用本文:姚璠,赵为民. 中医治未病四季养生之“夏”养生[J]. 长春中医药大学学报, 2014, 0(4): 569-570
作者姓名:姚璠  赵为民
摘    要:从中医治未病角度分析四季养生之夏季养生,认为夏季养生应从夏季季节特点、饮食、起居、运动、情志、药膳等方面进行养生保健,以达到未病先防,强身健体的目的。根据自然界的气候变化对人体的影响,依据"春夏养阳"原则,采取夏季养心,长夏养脾胃,夏季饮食调养,冬病夏治等干预措施,并选取穴位敷帖等干预手段可达到治未病之防病、治病的目的。在穴位上进行药物敷贴,以鼓舞正气,增加抗病能力,适用于哮喘、慢性支气管炎等寒冷季节易发病等疾病。穴位可选择大椎、肺俞、脾俞、肾俞、膻中、天枢、足三里等。冬病夏治的方法有针刺、艾灸、理疗、按摩以及内服温养阳气的中药和食物等。

关 键 词:治未病  夏季养生  干预方法  冬病夏治  三伏贴

TCM prevention of disease --health maintenance in the season of summer
Affiliation:YAO Fan, ZHAO Wei rain (The First Affiliated Hospital to Changchun University of Chinese Medicine, Changchun 130033, China)
Abstract:In TCM prevention of disease, researchers hold that to maintain health in summer the characteristic of summer sea- son should be taken into consideration and we should pay attention to the aspects of diet, daily life, sports, emotion and medi- cal diet to prevent disease and build the body. According to the effects of climate change on human body, with the principle of "nourishing yang in spring and summer", doctors would nourish the heart in summer, use diet to raise spleen and stomach in Long Xia, and treat winter disease in summer. They would take acupoint application to prevent and treat disease like asth- ma, bronchitis and diseases attack in cold season, in which medicines are plastered on the acupoint to encourage healthy trends and increase the disease resistant ability of the body. We can choose the following points: Dazhui, Feishu, Pi Yu, Shenshu, Shanzhong, Tianshu, Zusanli and etc. There are many methods to cure winter disease in summer, such as acupunc- ture, moxibustion, massage, physical therapy and have some mild traditional Chinese medicine or food to nourish yangqi.
Keywords:prevention of disease  health maintain in summer  intervention  treating winter disease in summer  apply acupuncture with drug therapy in the summer
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