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作者姓名:刘艳红  李艳  陈进  鲁慧兰
摘    要:目的调查湖北地区女性非淋菌性尿道炎(NGU)患者支原体感染情况及抗生素的耐药率。方法采用珠海市浪峰生物技术有限公司支原体诊断试剂盒对316例本地女性NGU解脲脲原体(Uu)和人型支原体(Mh)检测及药敏试验。结果316例中Uu与Mh的检测率分别为34.2%和1.3%,混合感染率为13.9%,总检出率为49.4%;Uu对交沙霉素、红霉素、克拉霉素、环丙沙星、可乐必妥、罗红霉素和司帕沙星的耐药率分别为3.7%、7.4%、7.4%、44.4%、7.4%、22.2%和3.7%,对强力霉素、四环素、阿奇霉素、甲砜霉素和美满霉素未检测到耐药性;Mh对红霉素和罗红霉素的耐药率均为100%。对其他药物未检测到耐药性;两种支原体混合感染仅对上述药物中强力霉素和交沙霉素未检测到耐药性,对其余药物均有不同程度的耐药。结论泌尿生殖道支原体感染主要以Uu为主,Mh次之。单独Uu和Mh感染以及二者混合感染的耐药性存在一定差异,治疗两种支原体单独及混合感染以强力霉素最好,其次为交沙霉素。

关 键 词:非淋菌性尿道炎  支原体  抗生素  药敏试验

Detecting and drug-susceptibility analysis of mycoplasma isolated from 316 NGU patients
Abstract:Objective To Study the infection and antibiotic drug resistances of mycoplasma from the patients with NGU in Hubei areas.Methods The identification of Uu and Mh as well as their drug susceptibilities were tested with mycoplasma detection kits produced by Zhuhai Langfeng Biotech.CO. LTD.Results The mycoplasma infection was 49.4%,with Uu 34.2%,Mh1.3% and mixed infection 13.9% respectively.Drug resistance to Uu was as follow:Josamycine 3.7%,Erthomycime 7.4%,Clarithromycin 7.4%,Ciprofloxacin 44.4%,Cravit 7.4%,Roxithromycin 22.2% and,Sparfloxacin 3.7% but not to Doxycycline,Tetracycline,Azithromycin,Thiamphenicol and Minocycline. Drug resistances to Mh was 100% with erthomycime and Roxithromycin,but was different to other drugs.Conclusions Mycoplasma infection in Genitourinary tract is mainly due to Uu infection.Drug resistances to Uu and Mh is different,but they all showed high susceptibility to Doxycyline,with Josamycine as secondary to be used.
Keywords:NGU  mycoplasma  antibiotics  drug-susceptibiliy test
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