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作者姓名:张悟澄  陈金华  曾庆仁  冯棣朝  蔡光斗  伍海南
作者单位:湖南医学院寄生虫学教研组,湖南医学院寄生虫学教研组,湖南医学院寄生虫学教研组,湖南医学院寄生虫学教研组,湖南医学院寄生虫学教研组,湖南医学院第二附属医院病理科 进修教师
摘    要:将日本血吸虫虫卵经尾静脉注入正常小鼠,观察沉积在肺血管床形成的虫卵肉芽肿内淋巴细胞的动态变化。结果表明,注卵后第一天即见淋巴细胞浸润,随后,淋巴细胞均数及其所占反应细胞总数的构成比逐渐增加。酯酶染色结果表明,注卵后10天内酯酶染色阳性细胞高于阴性细胞数,第10天后发生逆转;至第35天时更为明显。

关 键 词:日本血吸虫  虫卵肉芽肿  淋巴细胞

Zhang Wucheng Chen Jinhua Zeng Qingren Feng DichaoCai Guangdou.KINETIC OBSERVATION OF LYMPHOCYTIC POPULATIONS IN EXPERIMENTAL S. JAPONICA EGG GRANULOMAS[J].Journal of Central South University (Medical Sciences)Journal of Central South University (Medical Sciences),1984(1).
Authors:Zhang Wucheng Chen Jinhua Zeng Qingren Feng DichaoCai Guangdou
Institution:Zhang Wucheng Chen Jinhua Zeng Qingren Feng DichaoCai GuangdouDepartment of Parasitology,Hunan Medical CollegeWu HainanDepartment of Pathology,The Second Affiliated Hospital Hunan Medical College
Abstract:This paper reports kinetic observations on the population of lymphocytes in the S. japonica egg granulomas induced by injection eggs through the tail vein and then precipated within the pulmonary vasculature of previously not sensitized mice.Twenty four hours after the egg injection, lymphocytes occurred in the granulomas and accounted for 9.85% of the inflammatory cells. The total lymph-ocytic counts began to increase from the 4th day and sustained stable relation until the 22nd day. Thereafter the total lymphocytic counts and constituent ratios both increased rather evidently.With regard to ANAE positive and negative cells, within 7 days after egg injection, positive cells are significantly higher than negative cells; after the 10th day, this condition reversed. As ANAE positive cells are mostly T cells and the negative cells are B cells. It might be suggest that: 1, In the initial stage of S. japonica egg granuloma formation, T cells play an important role, this may be similar with S. mansoni egg granuloma, and 2, B cells may play an important role during the course of immune modulation of the egg granuloma reaction. The latter is different from S. mansoni egg granuloma and may be responsible for the difference in the mechanism of egg granuloma formation and modulation between the two species of the parasites.
Keywords:Schistosoma japonicum Egg granuloma Lymphocyte
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