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作者姓名:张其鹏  张丹  刘贝  朱晓华  卢铭  陈光慧  尚彤  汤健
摘    要:目的:构建心力衰竭相关基因和蛋白质的数据库,为心血管疾病分子生物学研究提供信息服务.方法:以美国国立生物技术信息中心、欧洲分子生物信息学实验室、美国国立图书馆等知名生物信息组织提供的数据库集群作为信息数据来源;根据心力衰竭的特点设计数据库的结构;编写软件从上述信息资源中自动获取数据,进行分类整理,存入数据库,利用软件的管理和查询功能对于本地数据进行管理和检索.结果:经过对现有基因和蛋白质数据库的检索,目前确定了407条与心衰相关的基因,4 046条相关核酸序列和蛋白质序列;建立心力衰竭相关基因和蛋白质数据库,并对其内容进行初步分析.实现了网上发布和查询.结论:通过整合现有相关信息,建立了一个与心衰相关基因和蛋白质的二级数据库,为心力衰竭的分子生物学研究提供一个新工具.

关 键 词:心力衰竭  充血性  数据库  事实型  基因蛋白质类  基因库  

The primary construction of the database of heart failure related genes and proteins
Abstract:SUMMARY Objective:To construct Heart Failure Related Gene and Protein Database and provide a useful query tool for the research of heart failure in biomedical information. Methods: Data were collected from databases such as GenBank, LocusLink, GDB(Genomic Database), GeneCards and Proteome. And items of the database were divided into 3 aspects: gene, protein and function. Data were obtained from the above databases by being programmed and classified, stored into database and published on web. Results: we found 407 genes and 4 046 related sequences related to heart failure from OMIM(Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man), related articles and databases. And the contents of database were also analyzed. The Database was also published on Internet. Conclusion: A complete and rich content database related to heart failure is constructed and provided a new and useful bioinformatics query tool for heart failure and cardiovascular research.
Keywords:Heart failure  congestive  Database  factual  Gene proteins  Gene pool
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