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引用本文:张慧,;宋锦平,;宗志勇,;王颖,;徐世兰. 不同专业医学生对医院感染控制与职业防护课程的教学需求调查[J]. 中华医学教育杂志, 2014, 0(3): 369-373
作者姓名:张慧,  宋锦平,  宗志勇,  王颖,  徐世兰
作者单位:[1]四川大学华西医院医院感染管理科,成都610041; [2]四川大学华西医院医院护理部,成都610041; [3]四川大学华西医院医院感染性疾病中心,成都610041
摘    要:目的:了解不同专业医学生对医院感染控制与职业防护课程的教学需求,找出教学中的薄弱环节,为改进课程教学提供依据。方法利用自行设计的调查问卷,在课程考试结束后对320名临床医学、医学技术和护理学专业学生进行调查。结果学生选修本课程的主要目的是学习职业防护知识;超过80.0%的学生认为有课程设置的必要,超过50.0%的学生认为应该设置为必修课;护理学、医学技术专业学生多数认为课程应该设置在第二学年,临床医学专业学生多数选择设置在第三学年;部分被调查学生认为课程教学内容、方法、时数,课程教师配备及课程教材均有待改进。结论不同专业医学生对课程教学需求有差异,应该根据不同教学对象改进教学模式和方法,加强课程和师资队伍建设,编写国家规范教材,提高课程教学质量。

关 键 词:医学生  医院感染  职业防护  需求  调查

A survey of instructional needs on infection control and occupational protection for the medical students in different programs
Affiliation:Zhang Hui, Song Jinping, Zong Zhiyong, Wang Ying, Xu Shilan (The Department oflnfection Control, West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China)
Abstract:Objective To investigate the instructional needs on infection control and occupational protection for medical students in different programs, find out the weaknesses in teaching process, and provide the basis for teaching reform. Methods A total of 320 medical students in different programs, including clinical medicine, medical technology and nursing, were surveyed with self-designed questionnaire after the course exam. Results The main purpose of taking the course among the students is to learn occupational protection knowledge, especially the nursing students; more than 80. 0% considered that they need to learn this course, and more than 50. 0% considered that it should become compulsory course; Most of the nursing and medical technology students think that the course should be started in the second academic year, while most of the clinical medicine students choose in the third year; some surveyed students think that the teaching content, methods, teachers and course materials should be improved in the future. Conclusions The needs of medical students in different programs are different; it is necessary to improve the teaching methods according to teaching objectives, strengthen faculty and curriculum development, and compile standard textbook so as to improve teaching quality.
Keywords:Medical students  Nosocomial infection  Occupational protection  Needs  Survey
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