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作者姓名:彭丽丽  朱婉萍  孔繁智  张永臣
作者单位:[1]临安市人民医院,浙江临安311300; [2]浙江省中医药研究院,浙江杭州310053; [3]山东中医药大学,山东济南250000
摘    要:笔者在临床中将过敏性鼻炎分3期治疗:前期以风寒表证为主,临床大多按照风寒感冒治疗;少数患者治疗不当,或因体质因素,风寒入里化热,郁于肺窍,则进入过敏性鼻炎中期,此期患者以鼻部郁热为主证,治以外散风寒、内清郁热,以麻黄连翘赤小豆汤为主方,合用牛蒡解肌汤和苍耳子散加减;如失治误治,迁延不愈,郁热往往导致血瘀痰凝,仍用麻黄连翘赤小豆汤,合牛蒡解肌汤和苍耳子散,但需要加用玄参、制胆南星、清半夏、牡蛎、皂角刺、赤芍、浙贝母等。因郁热较重,仍用麻黄,取“火郁发之”之意。另患者不论何期,鼻部分泌物较多者,加用苍术、生薏苡仁等;阴虚体质者,平素潮热盗汗,五心烦热,加用麦冬,生地黄等;阳虚体质者,平素食生冷后腹泻,加用干姜等。

关 键 词:过敏性鼻炎  麻黄连翘赤小豆汤  张仲景  伤寒论

Forsythia Red Bean Soup Ephedra in Allergic Rhinitis
Institution:Peng Lili ,Zhu Wanping ,Kong Fanzhi ,Zhang Yongchen( 1. People's Hospital of Linan City,Linan Zhejiang China 311300 ;2. China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Zhejing Province, Hangzhou Zhejiang China 310053 ; 3. Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medieine,Jinan Shandong China 250000)
Abstract:The author will be in clinical allergic rhinitis treatment of 3 :Early in the cold table card-based, clinical follow mostly cold cold therapy; improper treatment of a minority of patients, or because of physical factors, into the inside of the cold heat, Yu awakened in the lung, then enter the mid-allergic rhinitis, the swelter of patients with nasal-based card, governance bulk cold outside, the clear swelter, red bean soup with ephedra forsythia main square, a soup and burdock combined Xanthium Powder; such as loss of government mistreatment, delayed healing, swelter often leads to blood stasis Tanning, still using ephedra forsythia red bean soup, a soup together burdock and Xanthium Powder, but requires the addition of Scrophulariaceae, Southern Star, clear half summer, oysters, herb, red peony root, Fritillaria and so on. Due to swelter heavier, still using ephedra, which means "fire Yu made up" means. Whether any of the other patients, nasal secretions more, plus used the herb, Health Yiyiren etc. ; deficiency constitution, usually hot flashes, night sweats, five upset hot, plus Radix, REHMANNIAE etc. ;Yang constitution fiat vegetarian cold diarrhea, plus ginger and so on.
Keywords:allergic rhinitis  forsythia red bean soup  Zhang Zhongjing  shanghanlun
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