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作者姓名:熊琛  邓维秀
摘    要:目的:调查HBV在不同性别、年龄、职业中感染情况及疫苗效果。方法:用ELISA法对某矿1960份血清进行五项HBVM检测。结果:HBsAg、HBVM、抗-HBs,疫苗接种后抗-HBS阳性率分别为11.43%,17.39%,8.68%,29.98%。HBVM阳性率与性别、年龄、职业无关。上述抗-HBs阳性率均与性别无关,而在年龄、职业组内存在明显差异(P<0.05)。结论:该区为乙肝高发病区;抗-HBs产生与年龄大小呈负相关;从事饮食业人员中抗-HBs阳性率低,疫苗接种效果不显著。

关 键 词:肝炎抗原.乙型  肝炎抗体.乙型  酶联免疫吸附测定  肝炎疫苗.乙型

Results and Analyses of Assaying 1 960 Serum Samples about Hepatitis B Virus Marker
Abstract:Objective:To investigate the condition ontaminated by HBV and immune effets HBV vaccine among the different groups of sex,age,occupation.Methods:ELISA was used for testing the samples.Results:The Positive rates of HBsAg, HBVM,anti-HBs, anti-HBs vaccinated were 11.43%,17.38%,8.68% and 29.98% respectively.Difference of the HBVM rate was not obviously significant in the three groups.The rates of anti-HBs and anti-HBs vaccinated had not been found to be associated with the sex group,but had been found to be significant difference in the age group,as well as the occupation group(P<0.05).Conclusion:The people there had a higher HBV infective rate;The anti-HBs rate was negative correlation to the aging;There was a lower anti-HBs rate and worse effect of HBV vaccine in the cooks of the area.
Keywords:hepatitis B antigens  hepatitis B antibodies enayme-linked immunosorbent assay  hepatitis B vaccines
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