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作者姓名:郑雅分  金珏  陈晓
摘    要:从文理、医理以及文化内涵多角度剖析《灵枢·决气》所载"六气为一气"的思想内涵。精、气、津、液、血、脉"六气"为人体之基础,然同源于"一气",其功能体现了阴阳互根互用。"六气为一气"观的文化内涵包括三个方面:一是在中国古代地理、社会、政治、哲学文化大环境下,其思维方式以"尚同""求一"为根本;二是万物为"一气"的哲学思维,即"气一元论";三是"气一元论"的延伸即"整体思维",正是中国古代文化"同源"思想的体现。

关 键 词:《黄帝内经》  六气为一气  文化内涵  文化同源

Cultural Connotation of Six Qi as One Qi
Authors:Zheng Yafen  Jin Jue  Chen Xiao
Abstract:This paper analyzes the ideological connotation of "Six Qi as One Qi" in Jue Qi Chapter of Ling Shu(《灵枢》Miraculous Pivot) from the perspectives of literature, medicine and cultural connotation. "Six Qi" is the basis of human body, having the same source of "One Qi". Its function embodies the mutual use of Yin and Yang. There are three cultural connotations: first, in the context of ancient Chinese geography, society, politics, philosophy and culture, the way of thinking is based on "upholding the same" and "seeking for the one";second, the philosophical thinking that everything is "One Qi", that is, "Qi monism";third, the extension of "Qi monism" is "holistic thinking", which is the embodiment of ancient Chinese "homologous" thinking.
Keywords:Huang Di Nei Jing(《黄帝内经》Yellow Emperor’s Interna  Classic)  Six Qi as One Qi  Cultural Connotation  Cultural Homology
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