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作者姓名:潘利花  李少凡  莫祖琳  凌峰
摘    要:目的了解南宁市青少年肠道寄生虫感染情况及相关流行因素。方法收集区、市郊6所小学1~6年级学生粪便,用生理盐水涂片法和饱和盐水浮聚法镜检普查肠道寄生虫,阳性者再行水洗沉淀法检查。同时,以采访形式对检查对象进行相关流行因素调查。结果2005年感染1种虫有63人,2种虫有8人(1人在江西乡中心小学,7人在坛洛乡中心小学,两所学校都是郊区小学)2006年感染1种虫有40人,感染2种虫有3人(3人都在淡村小学,是城郊结合部小学)结论寄生虫感染涉及多个方面,所以必须加强对学校饮食卫生、粪便和垃圾的管理及对全社会特别是学校附近的中间宿主和保虫宿主的防制,尤其对于寄生虫病高发区,还需普查普治,以防止寄生虫病在学生中的再次感染和蔓延扩散。

关 键 词:青少年  肠道寄生虫  感染

Nanning teenagers intestinal parasites infection survey results and analysis
Abstract:Purpose Understanding of young people in Nanning City of intestinal parasites infection and associated epidemiological factors.Method Collection areas, outskirts of nine primary schools in grades 1 to 6 students feces with saline smear and saturated brine flotation method microscopic examination of the census of intestinal parasites to check. At the same time to the interview in the form of inspection objects related epidemiological factors survey.Result Infected with one species of insects in 2005 and 63, two kinds of insects 8 (1 in Jiangxi Township Central Primary School, 7 Tanluo Township Central Primary School, two schools are suburban primary school) in 2006 infected with one species of insects 40people infected with two species of insects have three people (3 people in the light the village primary school, Outskirts of Primary School)Conclusion Involved in many aspects of parasitic infections, it is necessary to strengthen the management of the school food hygiene, feces and garbage and the whole society, especially near the school, the intermediate host and reservoir hosts of control, particularly high incidence of parasitic diseases, the need tosurvey and treatment to prevent parasitic disease in the student re-infection and spreading.
Keywords:Adolescent Intestinal parasites Infection
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