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作者姓名:王得雁  王金铭
摘    要:脓毒症发病机制涉及感染、炎症、免疫、凝血及组织损害等问题,并与机体多系统多器官病理生理改变密切相关。主要责之正气不足,毒邪内犯。病变初期以实证为主,正盛邪亦盛;病情深入,虚实夹杂;极期正衰邪盛、正衰邪衰,脏器功能失调最终发生脏器衰竭;恢复期正虚邪恋。辨证分型,毒热炽盛,正气亏虚.瘀毒内阻.腑气不通。多种因素决定预后,如生理状态、伴随疾病、基础疾病、器官功能不全、免疫状况及营养状况等,中医药治疗时间、指征及与西医配合的理论依据和临床实践研究是取得突破重点。

关 键 词:脓毒症  辨证分型  化痰祛瘀  正气不足  毒邪内犯  毒热炽盛  正气亏虚  瘀毒内阻  腑气不通  中医药治疗

Syndrome Differentiation Treatment of Sepsis
Authors:WANG Deyan  WANG Jinming
Institution:1.The Two Hospital of Mongolia Autonomous County of Fuxin 1 People in Liaoning Province,Fuxin 123100,Liaoning,China;2.Department of Internal Medicine,Mongolia Autonomous County in Liaoning Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Fuxin,Fuxin 123100,Liaoning,China)
Abstract:The pathogenesis of sepsis problem relates to infection, inflammation, immune, blood coagulation and tissue damage, and the multiple system organ pathophysiology is closely related to. The main responsibility of the disease from two aspects: the deficiency of vital qi, toxin made. Early lesions mainly empirical, Masamori evil also Sheng; condition deeply, inclusion of very prominent; period while pathogenic factors are prevailing, is bad evil ring, organ dysfunction occurred in the end organ failure; recovery period is evil. Syndrome differentiation, intense toxic heat, deficiency of Qi and blood stasis and toxin resistance - Fu qi. Many factors determine the sepsis prognosis, such as physiology state, concomitant disease, severe basic diseases, organ dysfunction, immune status and nutritional status, Chinese medicine treatment of this disease intervention time, refers to the theoretical basis of syndrome and treatment in western medicine and clinical practice research is a breakthrough point.
Keywords:Sepsis  Syndrome differentiation  Blood stasis phlegm  Deficiency  Toxin commits  Heat toxin flourishing  Deficiency of Qi and blood stasis and toxin resistance - Fn Qi  TCM therapy
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