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引用本文:吴峥嵘. 天麻安神方辨证分型治疗失眠126例临床观察[J]. 实用中医内科杂志, 2014, 0(7): 58-60
摘    要:[目的]观察天麻安神方辨证分型治疗失眠疗效。[方法]采用前瞻性设计方法,对126例住院患者天麻安神方(天麻、煅龙骨各10g,川芎15g,丹参20g,钩藤30g,菖蒲15g,远志20g,合欢皮12g;肝阳上亢加丹参、合欢皮各10g,其中头痛加白芷10g,颈强加蔓荆子10g;肝郁犯胃加瓦楞子煅、乌贼骨、八月咂各10g,蒲公英15g;恶心、呕吐加竹茹10g;频繁嗳气加代赭石、旋覆花各10g;虚寒加干姜15g,附片10g;瘀热严重加紫花地丁10g,腹痛腹泻加肉豆蔻10g,木香15g;肝血瘀阻加三七15g,桃仁10g;心脾两虚加黄芪15g,石菖蒲10g),1剂/d,水煎200mL,早晚口服。连续治疗7d为1疗程。观测临床症状、单纯失眠及其他疾病合并失眠症临床疗效、睡眠状况、不良反应。连续治疗3疗程,判定疗效。[结果]治愈6例,显效39例,有效78例,无效3例,总有效率为98.27%。肝郁犯胃、心脾两虚、肝血瘀阻疗效显著,肝阳上亢型疗效较差(P0.05)。临床疗效非单纯性失眠优于单纯性失眠症(P0.05)。[结论]天麻安神方辨证分型治疗失眠效果显著,值得推广。

关 键 词:失眠  天麻安神方  辨证分型  临床观察

Clinical Observation of 126 Cases of Insomnia Sedative Tianma Treatment
WU Zhengrong. Clinical Observation of 126 Cases of Insomnia Sedative Tianma Treatment[J]. , 2014, 0(7): 58-60
Authors:WU Zhengrong
Affiliation:WU Zhengrong ( Department of Internal Medicine, Changge Municipal People's Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Changge 461500, Henan, China)
Abstract:[ Objective ] Tianma sedative side effect of the treatment of insomnia . [ Method ] 126 cases of hospitalized patients Tianma sedative side (Tianma, Duanlonggu each 10g, Chuanxiong 15g, Danshen 20g, Gouteng 30g, Changpu 15g, Yuanzhi 20g, Hehuanpi 12g;hyperactivity add Danshen, Hehuanpi each 10g, which headache plus Baizhi 10g, neck impose Mangjinzi 10g;liver depression Fan Wei Duan added Walengzi, Wuzeigu, Bayueza each 10g, Pugongying 15g, which nausea, vomiting plus Zhuru 10g, frequent belching plus Daizhushi, Xuanfuhua each 10g, Deficiency add Ganjiang 15g, Fupian 10g, silt severe heat plus Zihuadiding 10g, abdominal pain and diarrhea plus Roudoukou 10g, Muxiang 15g;liver depression deposition resistance plus Sanqi 15g, Taoren 10g;Heart deficiency Huangqi 15g, Shichangpu lOg ), 1 does/d, decoction 200mL, sooner or later orally. 7d is a continuous course of treatment . Observation of clinical symptoms, insomnia and other diseases combined pure insomnia clinical efficacy, adverse reactions. Continuous treatment for 3 courses, to determine efficacy . [ Results ] 6 cases were cured, 39 cases markedly effective in 78 cases, 3 cases, the total effective rate was 98.27% . Fan Wei stagnation of liver, heart and spleen, liver significant effect on the resistance, poor liver yang effect ( P〈0.05 ) . Nonclinical efficacy is superior to simple simple insomnia insomnia (P〈0.05) . [ Conclusion ] Tianma treatment of insomnia sedative side effect is remarkable, worthy of promotion.
Keywords:Insomnia  Tianma sedative side  Syndrome differentiation type  Clinical observation
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