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摘    要:慢性肾炎高血压乃属“眩晕”范畴。眩晕的病机关键在于“升降反作”,当升者不升,清窍失养,该降者不降,清窍被扰,皆致眩晕。因此,其治疗应以调升降为目的,当升不升者,应助其升发;该降不降者当助其降下。中医还强调“升降相因”,所以,升降互调是其重要原则。

关 键 词:慢性肾炎高血压  名医经验  时振声

Serial experience of professor Shi Zhensheng,the famous nephrosis specialist(Ⅴ)
Abstract:In TCM hypertension of chronic nephritis is categorized as “Xuan yun”(vertigo).The most important pathogenesis of vertigo is disorder of ascending and descending.Failing in ascending results in nonourishment of brain and failing in descending leads to the disturbance of the brain.Both of which are the reasons of vertigo.So the principle of the treatment should be regnlating the movement of descending and ascending:To promote what shonld be ascended and to lower what should be descended.Traditional Chinese medicine gives emphasis on “Interdependence of descending and ascending.So keeping normal descending and ascending is an important principle for the treatment.
Keywords:hypertension of chronic nephritis  experience of famous doctor  Shi Zhensheng  
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