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引用本文:张洁,贾仰理,贾红玲,张永臣. 基于数据挖掘探析然谷主治优势病症和配伍规律[J]. 山东中医杂志, 2021, 40(1): 6-14
作者姓名:张洁  贾仰理  贾红玲  张永臣
作者单位:山东中医药大学,山东 济南250355;聊城大学,山东聊城252059;山东中医药大学第二附属医院,山东济南250001
摘    要:目的:探析然谷主治优势病症及配伍规律。方法:以1949年10月为时间分割点进行文献检索。1949年10月前的文献主要通过《中华医典》(第五版)、《中国近代中医药期刊汇编》检索,1949年10月后的文献从中国知网、万方数据库、维普期刊资源数据库、中国生物医学文献数据库、Pub Med、Web of Science中检索,根据纳入、排除标准筛选文献,建立SQL Server数据库,利用Gephi软件构建复杂网络模型,SPSS Modeler进行关联规则分析。结果:1949年10月前,然谷单穴、配伍主治优势病症分别为26种、28种,最优势病症为脐风和胸痹,常配伍太溪、肾俞、涌泉、行间、足三里;1949年10月后,然谷单穴、配伍主治优势病症分别为2种、12种,最优势病症为跟痛症,常配伍太溪、三阴交、关元、足三里、太冲、涌泉。结论:在主治病症方面,然谷古今均以治疗局部病症、本经病症及相关脏腑病症为主,1949年10月后主治病症减少,种类明显细化并有所侧重,突出表现在妇科、泌尿生殖科及疼痛科;在优势腧穴配伍方面,体现了本经配穴、表里经配穴和荥输配穴等方法,多配伍特定穴如五输穴、原穴和背俞穴,194...

关 键 词:然谷  主治病症  配伍规律  数据挖掘  脐风  胸痹  跟痛症  特定穴

Analysis of Major Indications and Compatibility Regularity of Rangu Point(KI2) Based on Data Mining
ZHANG Jie,JIA Yangli,JIA Hongling,ZHANG Yongchen. Analysis of Major Indications and Compatibility Regularity of Rangu Point(KI2) Based on Data Mining[J]. Shandong Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2021, 40(1): 6-14
Authors:ZHANG Jie  JIA Yangli  JIA Hongling  ZHANG Yongchen
Affiliation:,Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Liaocheng University,The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Abstract:Objective:To analyze the major indications and compatibility regularity of Rangu point(KI2).Methods:The literature before and after October 1949 was searched separately. The literature before October1949 was searched from Chinese Medical Classic(The Fifth Edition) and Compilation of Modern Chinese Medicine Journals. The literature after October1949 was searched from CNKI,Wanfang Database,VIP,CBMdisk,PubMed,and Web of Science. The literature included in the final analysis was sorted out according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. A SQL Server database was established for constructing complex network model by Gephi and association rules analysis by SPSS Modeler. Results:Before October1949,there were 26 types of major indications for Rangu single point and 28 types of major indications for Rangu point combined with other points,among which the most predominant were neonatal tetanus and chest impediment. Rangu point was often used in combination with Taixi(KI3),Shenshu(BL23),Yongquan(KI1),Xingjian(LR2),and Zusanli(ST36). After October 1949,there were 2 types of major indications for Rangu single point and 12 types of major indications for Rangu point combined with other points,among which the most predominant were calcaneodynia. Rangu point was often used in combination with Taixi(KI3),Sanyinjiao(SP6),Guanyuan(RN4),Zusanli(ST36),Taichong(LR3),and Yongquan(KI1). Conclusions:In terms of the indications,Rangu point was mainly used for the treatment of local disease,internal meridian disease and viscera disease in both ancient and modern times. After October 1949,the major indications were less than those before October 1949,but the types have been clearly refined and focused,especially in departments of gynecology,urogenital,and pain departments. In terms of major combined acupoints,it embodies the methods of combining points of the same meridian,points of internal meridian and external meridian,xing-well point and shu-stream point,usually in combination with specific points like five transports points,yuan-primary points,and back-shu points. After October 1949,front-mu points and crossing points were also added.
Keywords:Rangu point(K12)  indications  compatibility regularity  data mining  neonatal tetanus  chest impediment  calcaneodynia  specific points
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