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作者姓名:彭娟娟  王冰  王旭东
摘    要:绝经后骨质疏松症(Postmenopausal osteoporosis,PMOP)是绝经后妇女的高发病,西医对于PMOP有多种治法,但副作用较大,不宜长期应用,中医治疗绝经后骨质疏松症有较好疗效,可修复骨质,提高骨量,中医治疗是通过辩证的思想调节全身的功能状态,不仅可调节内分泌,同时对于提高患者整体的免疫功能有较好的作用,可以起到综合治疗的目的,中医治疗的副作用小,可以长期应用。但是随着女性卵巢早衰的发生率越来越多,年龄越来越年轻,POMP的发生率也在不断上升,中医所谓"上医治未病",希望可以在POMP未形成前,在预防性治疗方面做出更多的研究。

关 键 词:绝经后骨质疏松症  仙灵骨葆胶囊  黄芪三仙汤  补肾健脾活血汤  针刺疗法  埋线疗法  灸法  温针灸  针药结合

Research Progress of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis Treated with Chinese Medicine
Abstract:Postmenopausal osteoporosis (PMOP) is of high incidence among postmenopausal women.Many western medicine therapies are applicable to PMOP but not advisable for long-term use for their great side effects.Chinese medicine therapy has significant effects on PMOP,which can not only restore the sclerotin but also increase the bone mass.Chinese medicine therapy regulates the functional state of the whole body in a dialectical manner,regulating the endocrine and enhancing the general immunity of the patients simultaneously to achieve comprehensive therapeutic effect.Besides,Chinese medicine therapy is advisable for long-time application for its little side effect.However,the occurrence rate of PMOP is increasing since premature ovarian failure keeps rising in the incidence rate of and it tends to attack younger people.It is expected that more studies on the preventive treatment of Chinese medicine can be conducted,and this is also in accord with the TCM concept of "superior doctor treat disease before it attacks".
Keywords:PMOP  Xianling Gubao Capsule  Huangqi Sanxian Decoction  Kidney-Tonifying  Spleen-Strengthening and Blood-Activating Decoction  acupuncture  catgut embedding therapy  moxibustion  warm needling therapy  integrated acupuncture and medicine treatment
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