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作者姓名:胡大伟  刘沛霖
摘    要:探讨雷公藤与强的松对大鼠下丘脑--垂体--肾上腺轴的影响。用完全弗氏佐剂发大鼠佐剂性关节炎,检测血浆促肾上腺皮质激素,皮质醇水平及肾上腺病理学改变。雷公藤组血浆ACTH、皮质醇水平较正常组升高,肾上腺重量增加,肾上腺皮质增厚,强的松组血浆ACTH、皮质醇水平降低,肾上腺皮质萎缩,交替组血浆ACTH皮质醇水平交正常组无明显改变。雷公藤可通过兴奋下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴发挥抗炎作用;雷公藤与强的松药理作

关 键 词:雷公藤  佐剂性关节炎  强的松

The Complementarity of Pharmacologic Action between Tripterygium Wilfordii and Prednisone
Authors:HU Da-wei  LIU Pei-lin  
Abstract:To investigate the effects of TriplerWium ndlfordil (TW ) and prednisone on hypotha lamic-Pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis in adjuvant arthritis (AA). Methods: Experimental rats weredivided into five groups at random, namely the normal group, model group, TW group, prednisonegroup and alternative group. Rats were given and intradermal injection of complete Freun d's adju vant in right hind pews to induce adjuvant arthritis. The levels of plasma adrenocorticotropic hor mone (ACTH) the cortisol , adrenal weights and mythological changes were studied at the end of ex periment. Results : The levels of Plasma ACTH and cortisol and adrenal weights in TW group weresignificantly higher than thine in normal group. On the contrary, decreased plasma ACTH and corti sol levee and attophic adsenai cortex were observed in prednisone group. The levels of plasma ACTHand cortisol ac adrenai weests in alternative group were not significantly different from those innormal group. Conclusion : TW may plsy anti-innammatory role by the activation of the HPA axis,and alternative aPPlication of TW and Prednisone could keep the normal function of HPA axis, theywere complementary to each other.
Keywords:: Triperygium wilfordii  adjuvant arthrits  adrenocorticotropic hormone  cortisol  Predinisone  
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