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作者姓名:刘晖  骆洁恒  李珠英  曾韵萍
摘    要:目的观察参麦注射液联合疏血通注射液治疗慢性肺心病急性加重期的临床疗效。方法将100例患者随机分为两组,均予抗感染、吸氧、扩张支气管、强心利尿、纠正水/电解质平衡等综合治疗,治疗组加用参麦与疏血通注射液静滴,两组均治疗14d;比较两组临床疗效和血液流变学指标改善情况。结果治疗组与对照组显效率分别为76.00%和50.00%;治疗组在一定程度上有效地降低血液黏度、红细胞压积、血沉和纤维蛋白原,并明显改善临床症状和体征。结论参麦与疏血通注射液联合治疗慢性肺心病急性加重期疗效确切。

关 键 词:慢性肺心病  急性加重期  参麦注射液  疏血通注射液  血液流变学

Observation on the Efficacy of Shenmai Injection Combined with Shuxuetong Injection on patients with Chronic Pulmonary Heart Diseases in the Aggravation Period
Institution:LIU Hui,LUO Jie-heng,LI Zhu-ying,et al(The First Department of Internal Medicine,Second Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine(Zhanjiang 524104))
Abstract:Objective:To observe the effect of Shenmai injection combined with Shuxuetong Injection on patients with chronic pulmonary heart diseases(CPHD) in the aggravation period.Methods:100 patients with CPHD in the aggravation period were randomly divided into:treatment group(n=50) and control group(n=50).Patients in both groups received common medicine,while the treatment group was also treated with Shenmai Injection combined with Shuxuetong Injection,with a treatment course of 14d for both groups.The clinical effection and index of hemorheology were detected before and after the treatment in both groups.Result:The efficiency rate in treatment group was 76.00%,which was 50.00%in control group.Meantime,the results showed that the blood viscosity,hematocrit(HCT),blood flow and fibrinogen(FIB) had been decreased and clinical symptoms were obviously improved in treatment group.Conclusion:A combination of Shenmai Injection and Shuxuetong Injection have exact effect on CPHD in the aggravation period.
Keywords:Pulmonary heart disease  Aggravation period  Shenmai Injection  Shuxuetong Injection  Hemorheology
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