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作者姓名:陈元品  张国花
摘    要:扶阳派在理论上强调阳主阴从,在辨证上以阴阳为辨证总纲,重视神色、形态、舌脉、口气、二便为辨证依据,一切错综复杂的症候,只以阴阳统分万病,认为所有的疾病中阳虚证占80%以上,治疗上重视扶阳抑阴,以阳化阴,只要辨证准确,就大胆运用姜桂附等辛热之品,且用药品种少,药量重,尤其是对危重症的抢救,每起沉苛.对阳热实证,扶阳派石膏、硝黄亦照用不误,只是病减即停,时时顾护人体阳气,对久病、重病、疑难杂症,虽没有明显的阳虚症候,亦放胆使用温阳药,每能收到较好疗效,其理念依据始终遵循"阳为阴之主,有阳则生,无阳则死."

关 键 词:扶阳  阳主阴从  临床

Clinical application of academic thought of Fu Yang
Abstract:Fu Yang stressed Yang is main and Yin is minor in theory. Yinyang is master syndrome in differentiation, attention to the look, shape, tongue and pulse, breath, stool are differentiation basis, symptom of all the complex, only Yinyang treating disease, think yang asthenia account over 80% in all diseases, attention to Fuyang Yiyin in treating, for Yang conversion Yin, accura.te as long as the dialectical, using Jiangguifu, and medication, fewer species, especially for the rescue of critically ill patients. On Yang thermal empirical, we can use plaster of Fu Yang, Xiaohuang, disease improvement can stop, constantly take care of Yangqi of human.body, on chronic illness, serious illness, complex diseases, although don't have obvious Yang symptoms, can use Wenyang drug, have a good effect, based on the concept always follow"Yang is master of Yin, have Yang can life, don't have can dead."
Keywords:Fu Yang  Yang is main and Yin is minor  Clinical
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