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作者姓名:闻飞飞  张宇清
摘    要:岐轩脉法是对古脉法的继承与发扬,是以气一元论为基石,以阴阳理论为核心、把握气机“升降、出入、交合、聚散”规律,以准确掌握患者气血阴阳失衡状态,为临床组方用药提供可靠依据的诊脉大法。中医靶向用药是站在气一元论这个层次看待和分析问题,把每一味药看成是具有着不同运动特征的气,或升,或降,或出,或入,或聚,或散,它进入人体又引起了人体气的升降出入运动的变化,使人体达到阴阳平衡的无病状态。

关 键 词:岐轩脉法  中医靶向用药  气一元论  阴阳

TCM targeted medicines based on Qi Xuan pulse method
Abstract:The theory of Qi Xuan Pulse method, developed from the ancient pulse theory, combined with multiple theories of the monism of Qi as its basis, Yin and Yang as its essence, is an applicable medical practice in prescribing herbal medicines. It offers theoretical basis on the laws of ascending, descending arising and entering theory, to target the patients' imbalance body conditions. The theory of targeted medicines of TCM, based on monism of Qi theory, features the dynamic functions of Qi in herbal medicines, such as, the functions of ascending, descending, arising, entering, gathering and dispersing, it enters the human body has caused the change of the lifting of the qi movement into and out, The human body to achieve a balance of Yin and Yang of the disease-flee state.
Keywords:Qi Xuan Pulse method  Targeted medicines of TCM  Monism ofQi  Yin and Yang
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