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Factor V Leiden: the venous thrombotic risk in thrombophilic families
Authors:Lensen R  Rosendaal F  Vandenbroucke J  Bertina R
Institution:Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands. ruudlensen@hotmail.com
Abstract:Factor V Leiden (FVL) leads to a sevenfold increased risk of venous thrombosis and is present in 50% of individuals from families referred because of unexplained familial thrombophilia. We assessed the association of FVL with venous thromboembolism (VTE) in 12 thrombophilic families of symptomatic probands with FVL in a retrospective follow-up study. We screened 182 first- and second-degree relatives of the 12 unrelated propositi for the FVL mutation and the occurrence of VTE. The incidence rate of VTE in carriers of FVL (0.56%/year) was about six times the incidence for the Dutch population (0.1%/year). The incidence rate in non-carriers also appeared to be higher (0.15% per year). At the age of 50 years, the probability of not being affected by VTE was reduced to 75% for carriers and to 93% for non-carriers (P = 0.009). Identification of carriers of FV Leiden may be worthwhile in young symptomatic individuals and their relatives with a strong positive family history of venous thromboembolism or a history of recurrent venous thrombosis who may be at risk (e.g. pregnancy, use of oral contraceptives). After adjustment for prothrombin G20210A (present in two families), even higher thrombotic incidence rates were found in carriers and non-carriers of FVL. This makes the presence of other unknown prothrombotic risk factors more probable in these families.
Keywords:venous thromboembolism  factor V Leiden  hypercoagulability  thrombophilia  activated protein C resistance
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