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顶天立地服务需求 注重内涵创建一流——首都医科大学建校60周年教育教学与人才培养成果回顾
作者姓名:顶天立地服务需求  注重内涵创建一流——首都医科大学建校周年教育教学与人才培养成果回顾
作者单位:1.首都医科大学教务处,北京 100069;2.首都医科大学国际学院,北京 100069;3.首都医科大学研究生院,北京 100069;4.首都医科大学全科医学与继续教育学院,北京 100069;5.首都医科大学,北京 100069;6.首都医科大学牙再生与基因治疗分子生物学实验室,北京 100069
摘    要:首都医科大学通过60年辛勤耕耘、精益求精,秉承“顶天立地”的人才培养理念,为社会培养了大批高水平的学术型与应用型医药卫生人才。回顾学校60年来本专科教育、全科医学教育、国际教育、研究生教育的人才培养成果,以总结经验并鼓舞全体首医人进一步求真务实、凝心聚力、积极进取、追求卓越,努力将学校建设成为国际一流的研究型医科大学。

关 键 词:首都医科大学    建校60周年    教育教学    人才培养    教育成果回顾  

From medical scientists to healthcare workers: serving social needs formultiple talents and building a world-class university——a review of the achievements in education and talent training forthe 60th anniversary of Capital Medical University
Authors:Wu Yan  Zhu Miao  Wang Qian  Wu Ping  Lei Liping  Zhao Lili  Lu Xiaoqin  Wang Songling
Abstract:Through 60 years of hard work and continuous improvement, Capital Medical University has cultivated a large number of high-level academic and practical talents from medical scientists to healthcare workers to meet multiple social needs. This paper reviews the university,s achievements in the past 60 years in talent training including associate degree education, bachelor,s degree education, general practice education, international education and postgraduate education, so as to share our experience and encourage the staff and students to be further truth-seeking, practical, collaborative, enterprising, excellence-pursuing, and to build the University into a world-class research-oriented medical university.
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