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作者姓名:陈雄  汪俊华  刘海燕  刘兰
摘    要:了解贵州省中学生自杀态度现状,基于结构方程模型分析中学生自杀态度影响因素,为自杀危机干预提供参考.方法 采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样的方法在贵州省抽取3个地区共5 109名中学生,应用自编问卷、自杀态度问卷(Suicide Attitude Questionnaire,QSA)、中学生抑郁自评量表进行调查,数据采用SPSS 17.0和Amos 23.0进行因子分析及构建结构方程模型.结果 5 109名中学生中对自杀行为、自杀者、自杀者家属和安乐死持肯定、宽容态度的学生分别有192(3.8%),1 845(36.1%),3 475(68.0%)和1 063人(20.8%).有无宗教信仰、是否住校、是否独生子女、是否留守、学校所在地、不同年级及不同地区的中学生自杀态度得分差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05).结构方程模型显示,抑郁、焦虑情绪对自杀态度的影响最大(总效应为0.304),其次是父母教养方式、家庭氛围、社会欺辱和生命有关教育(总效应分别为0.237,0.202,0.187,0.095).结论 贵州省中学生对自杀的认识有待提高,抑郁、焦虑情绪及父母教养方式对中学生的自杀态度影响较明显,预防中学生自杀更应注重中学生的心理健康及背景,同时需改善父母教养方式.

关 键 词:健康教育    自杀    因素分析  统计学    学生

Influencing factors of suicide attitude among middle school students in Guizhou province based on structural equation model
Abstract:Objective To understand the current situation of suicide attitude among middle school students in Guizhou province and possible influencing factors based on structural equation model.Methods By using multi-stage stratified random sampiing,5 109 middle school students from 3 districts in Guizhou were investigated with self-designed suicide attitude questionnaire and self-rating depression scale.Data was analyzed by factor analysis and structural equation models using SPSS 17.0 and Amos 23.0.Results Among the 5 109 middle school students in Guizhou,proportion of students who were supportive for attempted suicidal,committed suicide,family members of suicide victim and euthanasia was 3.8% (192),36.1 (1 845),68.0% (3 475) and 20.8%(1 063),respectively.Significant differences in attitude towards suicide were found in students with different characteristics,including religious belief,residence in school,the only children,left-behind child,urbanicity,grades and regions(P<0.05).The structural equation model showed that depressive and anxiety symptoms had the greatest impact on suicidal attitudes (total effect was 0.304),followed by parental rearing style(0.237),family atmosphere(0.202),social bullying (0.187) and life education(0.095).Conclusion This results clarify the need for improving attitudes towards suicide behavior among high school students in Guizhou province.Prevention of emotional problems and positive parenting style might help prevent suicide among high school students in consideration of strong correlation between emotional problems and parenting style with suicide attitude.
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