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作者单位:四川省卫Ⅵ项目技术指导组,四川省卫生厅卫Ⅵ项目办公室 610041,610041
摘    要:我省卫Ⅵ项目县1992年平均新生儿死亡率为49.77%。,新生儿7天内死亡占73.1%,1天内死亡占43.1%。新生儿死亡的主要原因为新生儿窒息、肺炎、早产和新生儿破伤风。新生儿死前保健服务状况、人口出生率、年人均收入、文化水平、新法接生率、住院分娩率、产前检查率、产后访视率等都是新生儿死亡率的影响因素。要想从总体上改善儿童出生后的生存条件,必须采取综合措施,进一步落实计划生育基本国策,特别是增加妇幼卫生投入,将工作重点放在降低早期新生儿死亡率,做好孕产妇系统管理,提高新法接生率和住院分娩率。针对新生儿主要死因开展适宜技术培训,提高各级妇幼卫生人员的服务能力,加强孕期、产期、新生儿期有关医疗保健知识的宣传,提高人群的自我保健意识。

关 键 词:项目县  新生儿  死亡率  相关因素

Neonatal Mortality and Its Related Factors in 50 Countries of Sichuan Province
Authors:H-VI Project Office  Public Health
Institution:H-VI Project Office,Public Health Department of Sichuan Province
Abstract:Analyzing the current situation of death of newborn infants in 50 counties, where the general MCH project will be performed, we find the neonatal mortality rate (NMR) was 47. 73% the main death causes of newboun were neonatal asphyxia, pneumonia, premature birth and neonatal tetanus. There were many influencing factors of NMR, such as ecnomic situation, level of education , birth rate and health care servies etc. It is suggested that developing rural economic, controlling birth rate, especially improving medical health servies, sthengthing technical training and propagating health knowledge are very helpful to reduce NMR.
Keywords:Project counties  NMR  Related factors  
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