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作者姓名:王远胜  古妙宁  左万里  黄炎明  黄漫
作者单位:1. 江门市中心医院麻醉科,529030
2. 南方医科大学南方医院麻醉科
3. 江门市中心医院呼吸科
摘    要:目的 探讨不同麻醉方法用于老年患者纤支镜检查的效果与安全性.方法 将40例需行纤支镜检查的老年患者随机分成无痛纤支镜(S)组和常规纤支镜(C)组两组.每组20例患者.S组采用异丙酚、舒芬太尼麻醉,C组采用2%利多卡因雾化喷喉,分别观察两组检查前、检查中及检查后的脉搏血氧饱和度(pulse oxygen saturation,SpO2)、收缩压(systolic blood pressure,SBP)、舒张压(diastolic blood pressure,DBP)、心率(heart rate,HR)变化及副作用.结果 S组麻醉后患者能在无知觉和无痛苦中接受检查,出现呛咳、憋气、及体动等副作用少,血压(blood pressure,BP)、HR变化与C组相比相对稳定,均低于C组(P<0.05).结论 采用异丙酚复合小剂量舒芬太尼麻醉用于老年患者纤支镜检查可充分减轻患者的痛苦,患者无挣扎,手术操作顺利,循环稳定,并发症少,是一种安全而有效的麻醉方法.

关 键 词:异丙酚  舒芬太尼  纤维支气管镜  老年患者

Different anesthetic methods used for fiber bronchoscopy in elderly patients
Abstract:Objective To investigate the effectiveness and safety of different anesthetic methods used for fiber bron-choscopy in elderly patients.Methods A total of 40 elderly patients undergoing fiber bronchoscopy were randomly dividedinto painless group(group S.general anesthesia with sufentanil and propofol,n=20)and convention group(group C,localanesthesia with 2%lidocaine,n=20).HR,SBP,DBP,Sp02 and side-effects were monitored and observed before,during andafter operation.Results Patients in group S underwent bronchoscopy in a status of unconsciousness and painless,with stableBP and HR and low occurrence of side-effects.such as bucking,breath holding,body movement compared to patients ingroup C.Conclusion Sufentanil combined with pmpofol offem a ideal analgesic status for fiber bronchoscopy in elderly pa.tients with stable hemodynamics and low occurrence of side-effects.
Keywords:Propofol  Sufentanil  Fiber bronchoseopy  Elderly patients
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