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作者姓名:银建军  张伟
摘    要:目的:观察小檗碱(黄连素)对短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)的临床疗效和对血小板聚集水平的影响。方法:口服小檗碱300mg,每日3次,于服药前及服药后每隔10天检测血小板聚集率1次,并设对照组口服羟乙基芦丁(维脑路通)200mg,每日3次,对比临床疗效和血小板聚集率的变化。结果:小檗碱治疗30天,血小板聚集率明显下降,TIA发作频率明显降低。结论:小檗碱能降低TIA患者血小板聚集率水平,缓解临床症状,是

关 键 词:小檗碱  脑缺血  暂时性  血小板聚集  药物疗法

Treatment of TIA with berberine and its effect on platelet agglutination level in 30 cases
Abstract:Objective: To observe the effect of berberine on platelet agglutination and its therapeutic effect in patients with transient ischemic attack (TIA) Methods: Berberine was given to subjects of studied (300 mg, 3 times daily), while trioxyethylrutin (venoruton) was administrated to the control (200 mg, 3 time daily) platelet agglutination test was performed before and every 10 days after administration The clinical effectiveness of these two agents and their effects on platelet agglutination were compared Results: The platelet agglutination rate was remartobly decreased and the frequency of TIA was greatly reduced after 30 days of berberine treatment Conclusion: Berberine could decreased platelet agglutination in patients with TIA and alleviate clinical symptoms It is an effective agent for the treatment of TIA and prevention of cerebral infarction
Keywords:Berberine  Transient  ischemic  attack  Clinical  therapeutic  effect  Platelet  agglutination
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