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作者姓名:熊玮仪  李昱  周航  殷文武
摘    要:目的 评价我国布鲁氏菌病(布病)的网络直报报告质量,分析诊断情况。 方法 合并2004-2012年通过疾病监测信息管理系统报告的布病年报数据库,采用自定义指标,对报告质量和诊断情况进行分析,并比较不同地区、不同年份间的差异。 结果 2004-2012年,全国累计网络直报布病个案报告卡244 369张,9年平均增长速度为16.68%。病例错误分类率为0.03%,逻辑错误率为0.02%,及时报告率为94.76%,及时审核率为100%。报告病例中,89.81%为实验室诊断,发病-诊断间隔中位数为21 d,异地就诊率为38.00%。99.62%的病例来自北方省份,南方省份报告病例逐年增多。与北方省份相比,南方省份的病例错误分类率较高、发病-诊断时间间隔较长、异地就诊率较高。 结论 我国布病网络直报报告质量总体较好,但存在一定的诊断不及时现象,报告质量和诊断情况存在南北差异。现有的病例分类方式和按发病日期统计的统计规则不符合布病实际,有待改进。

关 键 词:布鲁氏菌病    网络直报    报告质量    诊断

Internet-based real-time report quality and diagnosis of human brucellosis in China, 2004-2012
Abstract:Objective To evaluate the quality of Internet-based real-time report quality and diagnosis of human brucellosis in China from 2004 to 2012. Methods The analysis was conducted on the annual reporting data of brucellosis collected from national disease reporting information system from 2004 to 2012. Results A total of 244 369 reporting cards of human brucellosis were reported during this period with an average increase rate of 16.68%. The mis-classification rate of the cards was 0.03%, the cards with logical errors accounted for 0.02%. The timeliness of the reporting was 94.76% and the timely verifying rate was 100%. Among the reported cases, 89.81% were laboratory confirmed. The median interval between onset and diagnosis was 21 days, and non-local medical care-seeking rate was 38.00%. Up to 99.62% of the cases were reported in northern China, but the cases reported in southern China increased with year. Compared with northern region, the cases reported in southern region had higher mis-classification rate, longer interval between onset and diagnosis and higher non-local medical care-seeking rate. Conclusion The overall reporting quality of human brucellosis was high in China, while the timeliness of diagnosis need to be improved. Regional differences in reporting quality and diagnosis existed between northern and southern regions. Current case classification and onset date statistical methods should be improved to meet the actual situation.
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