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作者姓名:邵梦鸣  舒馨馨  钱志勇  徐彬  刘文兵  徐聪琴  邱纪方
作者单位:1.浙江中医药大学附属康复医院,杭州 310053;2.浙江康复医疗中心,杭州 310053;浙江中医药大学附属第三医院,杭州 310053;浙江特殊教育职业学院,杭州 310023
摘    要:目的:探讨机器人辅助智能牵伸技术在改善脑卒中患者踝关节痉挛及步行功能方面的疗效。方法:将脑卒中患者40例,随机分为智能牵伸组和对照组各20例。在常规康复训练基础上,智能牵伸组进行智能被动牵伸和主动训练,对照组接受徒手牵伸和抗阻训练,训练均为30min/d,5d/周,共6周。治疗前后评估:踝关节主动和被动背伸及跖屈角度、改良Ashworth量表(MAS)、起立-行走计时试验(TUGT)、6min步行距离测试(6MWT)、改良Barthel指数(MBI)。结果:治疗6周后,2组主动和被动跖屈角度、被动背伸角度、6MWT均较治疗前增加(P<0.05),智能牵伸组主动背伸、跖屈角度、MAS、TUGT、6MWT改善程度优于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:机器人辅助智能牵伸技术能改善脑卒中患者踝关节痉挛及步行功能,优于常规牵伸治疗。

关 键 词:智能牵伸  踝关节  脑卒中  痉挛  步行功能

Application of intelligent stretching in improving ankle spasticity and walking function in stroke patients with hemiplegia
Abstract:Objective: To investigate the effect of robotic-aid intelligent stretching on ankle spasticity and walking function in stroke patients with hemiplegia. Methods: A total of 40 stroke patients with ankle spasticity who met the inclusion criteria were randomly divided into intelligent stretching group and control group (20 cases in each group). Both groups received routine neurological treatment and rehabilitation training. The patients in the intelligent stretch ing group received robotic-aid intelligent passive stretching and active training, and the control group received manual static passive stretching and resistance training by physical therapists. Each stretch training lasted 30 min, 5 times a week, for a total of 6 weeks. The following evaluations were performed before and after treatment: ankle active dorsoflexion angle, active plantar flexion angle, passive dorsoflexion angle and passive plantar flexion angle, modified Ashworth Scale (MAS), timed up & go test (TUGT), 6-minute walk test (6MWT), modified Barthel Index (MBI). Results: After 6 weeks, the active and passive plantar flexion angle, passive dorsiflexion angle and 6MWT increased in both groups (P<0.05). The changes of active dorsoflexion angle, plantar flexion angle, MAS, TUGT and 6MWT in intelligent stretching group were better than those in the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion: Robotic-aid intelligent stretching, a new method of stretching, can improve the ankle spasticity and walking function. It has significant advantages over the traditional method of rehabilitation stretching.
Keywords:intelligent stretching  ankle  stroke  spasticity  walking function
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