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作者姓名:陈寿康  王玉凤
作者单位:湖北中医学院附属医院,北京医科大学精神卫生研究所,北京医科大学精神卫生研究所,北京医科大学精神卫生研究所,北京医科大学精神卫生研究所,北京医科大学精神卫生研究所 进修生
摘    要:采用明尼苏达个性测查表(MMPI)中国版,对学习困难儿童73名父母、多动症儿童的94名父母及同校学习成绩优秀儿童的78名父母进行了个性调查。结果提示,学习困难和多动症儿童的母亲在疑病、抑郁、癔病分量表得分高于对照组母亲,多动组儿童母亲在社会责任感分量表得分低于对照组,父亲社会内向分、依赖分和焦虑分明显高于对照组。而父亲的支配性评分明显低于对照组,学习困难和多动症儿童的母亲有个性偏离者明显多于对照组,主要为类神经症性个性偏离。

关 键 词:学习困难  儿童  多动症  MMPI

Preliminary assessment for the personality of parents of children with learning difficulty and ADD-H
Chen Shoukang et al.Preliminary assessment for the personality of parents of children with learning difficulty and ADD-H[J].Chinese Mental Health Journal,1992,6(6):246-249.
Authors:Chen Shoukang
Institution:Chen Shoukang et al,Institute of Mental Health Beijing Medical University Beijing
Abstract:The Chinese version of MMPI was administered in a comparison study among 73parents of LD children,94 parents of ADD-H childeren and 78 parents of normal children with goodschool achievement as control group.The mothers of LD children and mothers of ADD-H children wereobserved with higher scores than the control group in hypochondriasis and depression scales,while themothers of ADD-H had lower schedule scores in social responsibility than the controls.However,thefathers of ADD-H showed significantly higher scores in dependency,anxiety,and social introversionand significantly lower scores in dominance than the controls.The character deviation,mostly theneurotic-like personality,was found more frequently in mothers of LD and ADD-H children than thatof controls.
Keywords:MMPI  ADD-H  learning difficulty  children  parent  neurotic-like
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