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Mental Health of Mothers of Children with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis: Appraisal as a Mediator
Authors:Lustig  Julie L; Ireys  Henry T; Sills  Edward M; Walsh  Beverly B
Institution:Johns Hopkins University

2All correspondence should be sent to Julie L. Lustig, Johns Hopkins University, Department of Maternal and Child HeaJth, 624 N. Broadway, Baltimore, Maryland 21205-1999

Abstract:Examined direct and mediated relations between condition parametersand maternal mental health for 53 mothers of 2- to 11-year-oldchildren with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA). Multivariateanalyses revealed that when considered simultaneously, indicesof both biological severity and functional severity were associatedsignificantly with maternal mental health. Further, mother'sappraisals of the impact of the child's illness on the familypartially mediated the effects of medication type and child'sfunctional status on mother's mental health. Results providesupport for conceptual models that emphasize the cognitive mechanismsby which condition parameters such as biological and functionalseverity might affect maternal mental health. Explicating theprocesses by which a child's JRA might lead to psychologicaladjustment problems in the parent has implications for developingpreventive and treatment interventions.
Keywords:juvenile rheumatoid arthritis  mothers  mental health  cognitive appraisals  perceived impact  condition parameters  
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