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Intravitreal cilia in phakic penetrating eye injury
Authors:AA Seawright MB  BS    RD Bourke FRACO  FRACS  PJ Gray FRCS  FRCO  phth   RJ Cooling FRCS  FRCOphth
Affiliation:Royal Brisbane Hospital, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia;Vitreoretinal Service, Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, United Kingdom
Background: Intraocular cilia present clinical perplexity due to their radiolucency, the extremely variable ocular response to such cilia, and the inadvisability of using MRI in cases of suspected metallic intraocular foreign bodies (IOFB). Methods: Two cases of intravitreal cilia associated with phakic penetrating eye injury are described where preoperative CT scan revealed no retained IOFB. Results: B-scan ultrasonography detected intravitreal cilia in one patient and raised this suspicion in the other. One patient presented with endophthalmitis unresponsive to intravitreal antibiotics, the other with culture-negative anterior uveitis. Both underwent vitrectomy and removal of cilia. Conclusions: Intravitreal cilia should be considered in penetrating eye injuries even in phakic eyes with no radiological evidence of IOFB, especially if associated with endophthalmitis. B-scan ultrasonography may aid detection of intravitreal cilia and thus alter clinical management.
Keywords:cilia    intraocular cilia    intraocular foreign body    penetrating eye injury
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