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Imaging and Spectral Characteristics of Amyloid Plaque Autofluorescence in Brain Slices from the APP/PS1 Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease
Abstract:Amyloid deposits are one of the hallmark pathological lesions of Alzheimer's disease(AD). They can be visualized by thioflavin-S, silver impregnation,Congo red staining, and immunohistochemical reactions.However, that amyloid deposits generate blue autofluorescence(auto-F) has been ignored. Here, we report that visible light-induced auto-F of senile plaques(SPs) was detected and validated with conventional methods. Brain slices from APP/PS1(amyloid precursor protein/presenilin1) transgenic mice were mounted on slides, rinsed,coverslipped and observed for details of the imaging and spectral characteristics of the auto-F of SPs. Then the slices were treated with the above classic methods for comparative validation. We found that the SP auto-F was greatest under blue-violet excitation with a specific emission spectrum, and was much easier, more sensitive, and reliable than the classic methods. Because it does not damage slices, observation of auto-F can be combined with all post-staining techniques in slices and for brain-wide imaging in AD.
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