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A possible application of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty: remodelling of an occluded aortocoronary bypass
Authors:G Grollier  H Bories  P Commeau  P Scanu  M Iselin  P Charbonneau  A Khayat  J P Foucault  J C Potier
The authors report the case of a 53 year old patient who had undergone triple coronary bypass surgery for unstable angina. Recurrence of chest pain 4 months after surgery led to control coronary angiography which showed severe stenosis of the proximal and distal parts of the aorto-right coronary graft. Endoluminal dilatation was performed a few days later but, during angiography, complete occlusion of the graft was observed. This was repermeabilised without difficulty and a "remodelling" of the graft was carried out. The outcome was favourable with the complete regression of symptoms. The following alternatives to surgery are discussed: in cases of thrombosis which usually occur in the month following surgery, fibrinolysis may be attempted with a high success rate but a significant risk of haemo-pericardium: in cases of fibrous proliferation of the intima leading to stenosis or occlusion, endoluminal dilatation seems to be the procedure of choice, but this must always be carried out under surgical cover.
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