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引用本文:编辑 王庆高. 手法配合小针刀治疗肱骨外上髁炎45例[J]. 广西中医药, 1999, 22(Z1)
作者姓名:编辑 王庆高
作者单位::北海市皮肤病防治院 536000 中国广西北海
摘    要:肱骨外上髁炎是临床常见病、多发病。近年来笔者采用手法配合小针刀治疗本病45例,获得满意疗效,现报道如下。1 一般资料本组45例,男31例,女14例;年龄最小20岁,最大60岁;病程最短半个月,最长1年;单侧发病39例,双侧发病6例。2 治疗方法2-1 手法治疗2-1-1 分筋理筋法 患者端坐位,曲肘90°,医生坐于患者病侧,一手扶住患肢,另一手拇指指腹垂直按压于肘外侧伸腕肌附着点处行左右弹拔,再顺肌纤维走向理筋,以局部皮肤微热为度。2-1-2 擦法 上述手法完毕后,用擦法自下而上搓擦肱骨外上髁处…

关 键 词:肱骨外上髁炎  手法  小针刀

45 Cases ofExternal Humeral Epicondylitis Treatedwith Manipulation and Knife-Needle
Man Weijun Lan Yan Beihai,Guangxi,China. 45 Cases ofExternal Humeral Epicondylitis Treatedwith Manipulation and Knife-Needle[J]. Guangxi Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 1999, 22(Z1)
Authors:Man Weijun Lan Yan Beihai  Guangxi  China
Affiliation:Man Weijun Lan Yan Beihai,Guangxi,China 536000
Abstract:Abstract 45 cases of external humeral epicondylitis were treated with manipulation to separate and restore soft tissues and to rub around the external epicondyle of humerus first, then the cutting edge of the needle was made to parallel to the fibrous running direction of extensor carpus and was perpendicularly inserted from the subcutaneous area of external epicondyle of humerus into the surface of bone to trip adhesion longitudinally and horizontally. The cutting edge was turned to make 2 to 3 cuts when vertical to the fibrous running direction of extensor carpus. Among the 45 cases, 37 cases proved cured with one treatment and 27 with two treatments. 6 cases showed obviously improved, but 2 remained ineffective result. The total effective rate was 95.6%. In the half a year follow up survey for the 37 cases with cure effect, recurrence was found in 2 cases.
Keywords:external humeral epicondylitis  manipulation  knife needle(P24)
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