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Preservice early childhood students' perceptions of written feedback on their essays
Authors:Victoria Whitington   Anne Glover  Felicity Harley
Affiliation: a University of South Australia, Australia
Abstract:Lecturer feedback on students' essays is important to the quality of the experience students have at university (Norton & Norton, 2001). The aim of the present study was to investigate whether early childhood students at one university actually read lecturer feedback on their essays and, if they did, what they found helpful and not helpful to their learning. Feedback was defined as 'giving students information on how well or how poorly they are doing in their academic work' (Hounsell, 1987, p. 109). Using the Vygotskian concept of learning as a socially shared activity, qualitative data were collected from second-year students from a four-year early childhood degree programme via an anonymous survey and four focus groups. Major findings were that, in contrast with studies of students in other programmes, early childhood students read lecturer feedback on their essays and used feedback that was detailed and explanatory as a learning tool. Types of feedback students found to be most and least useful were identified.
Keywords:Feedback  Undergraduate students  Essay writing  Early childhood education
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