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引用本文:刘晓艳,韩影,白乐康. 饰面瓷表面粗糙度对全瓷修复体颜色及透射率的影响[J]. 临床口腔医学杂志, 2016, 0(5): 284-286. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-1634.2016.05.011
作者姓名:刘晓艳  韩影  白乐康
作者单位:西安交通大学口腔医学院陕西省颅颌面精准医学研究重点实验室 陕西 西安 710004
摘    要:
目的:探讨不同饰面瓷表面粗糙度对全瓷修复体颜色及透射率的影响。方法:将Cercon氧化锆陶瓷材料和IPS e.max铸瓷材料分别制作成厚2.0 mm、直径15 mm的圆盘状试件,各分为4组,每组5个试件,试件表面分别用水砂纸打磨至400#、600#、800#、1000#,测量其表面粗糙度Ra值、L*a*b*颜色参数及透射率。结果:随着饰面瓷表面粗糙度的增加,Cercon氧化锆的明度L*值呈增大趋势,b*值呈减小趋势,IPS e.max热压铸瓷的L*、a*、b*值无明显变化趋势;可见光透射率呈上升趋势。结论:不同饰面瓷表面粗糙度对Cercon氧化锆和IPS e.max全瓷修复体的颜色及透射率有一定影响。

关 键 词:全瓷修复体  表面粗糙度  颜色  透射率  色差

Effect of the veneer porcelain surface roughness on the transmittance and color of the two all-ceramic restorations
Objective:To study the effect of different veneer porcelain surface roughness to the color and transmittance of the two all-ceramic restorations. Method: Make Cercon zirconia and IPS e.max into 20 discal specimens with 15 mm in diameter and 2.0 mm thick, each material is divided into four groups, each group specimens are burnished respectively to 400 #, 600 #, 800 #, 1000# with waterproof abrasive paper, measure the surface roughness Ra values and L*a*b*color parameters and transmittance. Result:The more waterproof abrasive paper mesh size is, the smaller the Ra value is. With veneer porce-lain surface roughnesses increasing, the L*values of Cercon zirconia increase and the b*values reduce, while the L*a*b*values of IPS e.max have no obvious change trend;translucency has up trend. Conclusion:Different veneer porcelain surface rough-nesses have some effect on the color and transmittance of Cercon zirconia and IPS e.max restorations.
Keywords:All-ceramic restoration  Surface roughness  Color  Transmittance  Color aberration
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