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Keyword Index
Keywords:acetazolamide  acetylcholine receptor antibodies  acetylcholinesterase inhibitors  acute aseptic meningitis  acute disseminate encephalomyelitis  acute stroke  adult onset myopathy  ageing  alpha B‐crystallin  Alzheimer's disease  amnesia  β‐amyloid  amyotrophic lateral sclerosis  aneurysm surgery  anomia  anomia for people's names  anterior communicating artery  anterior thalamic peduncle  antibodies  antibody index  anticoagulants  anticoagulation  anti‐glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies  anxiety  aphasia  apraxia  arterial occlusion  arterio‐arterial embolism  aseptic meningitis  associated movements  atherosclerosis  atrial fibrillation  atrophy  atropine  attentional disorders  autoimmune thyroiditis  autonomic dysfunction  autosomal recessive inheritance  axonal polyneuropathy  basal ganglia  Bickerstaff's brainstem encephalitis GQ1b and GM1 antibodies  bilateral  binding  bitemporal epilepsy  blink reflex  body weight loss  botulinum toxin  botulinum toxin type A  bradykinesia  bradykinin  brain diseases  brain imaging  brain mapping  brain stem  Brueghel's syndrome  cadaveric dura mater graft  camptocormia  carbamazepine  cardiac surgery  cardiopathy  cardiopulmonary bypass  care of  carotid arteries  carotid artery diseases  carotid stenosis  carpal tunnel release  carpal tunnel syndrome follow‐up  caudate nucleus  cavum septi pellucidi  CD45  CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells  central conduction  central nervous system  cerebellar damage  cerebral arteries  cerebral hemodynamic studies  cerebral hemorrhage  cerebral infarction  cerebral palsy  cerebral vasculitis  cerebral venous thrombosis  cerebrospinal fluid  cerebrovascular accidents  cerebrovascular disease  cerebrovascular reactivity and reserve capacity  cervical problems  Charcot–Marie–Tooth neuropathy type 1B  chemotherapy  children  Chlamydia pneumoniae  choreoathetosis  chronic diseases  CIDP  circle of Willis  cisplatin  clementia  clinical phenotype  clinical scores  CNS  cognition  cognitive disorders  cognitive processing  cognitive rehabilitation  coma  comorbidity  comorbility  complications  computed tomography scan  continua  coronary artery disease  corticosteroids  cost‐effectiveness analysis  cost of secondary prevention of stroke  cost of stroke  cranial computed tomography  Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease  cross sign  cutaneous stimulation  CVA  CXCR3  cyclosporine  Datura stramonium  dementia  demyelinating neuropathy  demyelination  depression  Devic's Disease  disability  disease susceptibility  dopamine receptor agonists  Doppler  dorsal column  DRB1 gene of HLA class II  drug therapy  duplex  dysarthria‐clumsy hand  dystonia  east–west differences  economic evaluation  education  electromyography  electrophysiological disorders  electrophysiological study  electrophysiological tests  emotional motor system  encephalopathy  endarterectomy  entacapone  enterovirus  eosinophilic major basic protein  eosinophilic myositis  epidemiology  epilepsy  essential tremor  etiological subtypes  Europe  event‐related potentials  executive functions  expanded disability status scale  expectations  experimental headache  familial hemiplegic migraine  familial Mediterranean fever  familial Parkinson's disease  familial PD  family history  18F‐FDG‐PET  FIM  financing  first‐ever stroke  focal myopathy  focally folded myelin  focus  freezing of gait  frontal‐subcortical circuit  fronto‐subcortical circuits  functional improvement  functional independence measure  GABA  gait  galantamine  gammopathy  gender difference  giant aneurysm  glatiramer acetate  glyceryl trinitrate  grasp reflex  Guillain–Barré syndrome  HAM/TSP  Hashimoto's encephalopathy  headache  health care  health economy  health resource allocation  healthcare systems  hemangiosarcoma  hemicrania  hemiplegia  hepatic form  hepatitis C  hepatitis C virus  hereditary PD  hippocampal sclerosis  histamine  history  HLA genes  Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale  HTLV‐1  human  human African trypanosomiasis  human experimental model  human leucocyte antigen DR  5‐hydroxytryptamine  hypertension  hypertensive encephalopathy  hyponatremia  hypophonia  hypothyroid  ictal dystonia  IgG  IgM  IL‐10  immunoglobulin therapy  incidence  indomethacin  inflammation  inhibitory control  injuries  interferon β‐1a  interferon β‐1b  interferon beta  interferon‐alpha  interleukin‐5  internal carotid artery dissection  intima‐media thickness  intoxication  intracerebral haemorrhage  intracerebral hemorrhage  intracortical facilitation  intracortical inhibition  intracranial aneurysm  intracranial lesion  intractable epilepsy  intrathecal antibody production  intrathecal fraction  intrathecal humoral immune response  intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG)  intravenous immunoglobulins  invasive EEG  ischemic stroke  Italy  IVIg  jaw opening  jaw‐opening dystonia  lacunar infarction  language  laparotomy  lateral femoral cutaneous nerve  levodopa  lewy body disease  Lhermitte's sign  lifestyle‐associated risk factors  lithium intoxication  locked‐in state  long‐term experience  long‐time consequences  lumbar puncture  Lyme Neuroborreliosis  lymphoproliferative  M139V  magnetic resonance angiography  magnetic resonance imaging  magnetization transfer  magnetoencephalography  malignancy  masticatory muscles  memory  mental impairment  meralgia paresthetica  meta‐analysis  MI  microglia  micrographia  middle cerebral artery  migraine  migraine without aura  migraine with typical aura  mild head injury  Miller Fisher syndrome  mind  mixed dementia  monoclonal gammopathy  monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance  mononuclear cells  motor cortex  motor neuron disease  motor polyneuropathy  movement disorders  MR  multiple risk factors  multiple sclerosis  multivariate analysis  muscle computed tomography  muscular dystrophy  musculoskeletal  myasthenia gravis  myasthenia gravis severity  Mycoplasma pneumoniae  myelin protein zero  myokymia  nerve conduction  neuro‐Behcet disease  neuroborreliosis  neurocognitive disorders  neurology  neuropathology  neuroscience curriculum  neuroscience funding  neurosurgery  neutralizing  nitric oxide  non‐epileptic seizures  obstructive sleep apnea  occupational disease  olanzapine  oligoclonal antibody  optic neuritis  organization  organomegaly  oromandibular dystonia  outcome  outcomes  oxaliplatin  pain  paired transcranial magnetic stimulation  palatal tremor  pallidum  paradoxical activity  paradoxical cerebral embolism  paraventricular white matter  parkin  Parkinson's disease  paroxysmal gait disturbances  pathogenesis  PD  peripheral benzodiazepine receptor  peripheral nerve disorders  peripheral nervous system  peripheral neuropathy  peroneal nerve palsy  pituitary  PK11195  plaques  plasticity  point mutation  poliomyelitis  polyglandular autoimmune disorders  polyneuropathy  population relative risk  positron emission tomography  post‐concussion symptoms  posterior circulation  post‐infectious  post‐polio syndrome  praxis  prednisolone  presence of plaque  presenilin‐1 mutation  prevalence  prevention  primary progressive multiple sclerosis  prognosis  progress  progression  prostaglandin E2  protein C  protein S  protein S‐100B  psychiatry  ptosis  putamen  QALYs  quadriceps myopathy  quadriceps weakness  Rathke's cyst  re‐certification  refractory epilepsy  rehabilitation  relapse rate  relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis  residency  respiratory failure  right‐to‐left shunt  risk factors  risk perception  rubella  ryanodine receptor antibodies  Sardinia  SCA2  SCA3  secondary adrenal hypofunction  seizure  seizure worsening  semen  sensory perineuritis  single photon emission computed tomography  sleep‐disordered breathing  smoking  somatosensory‐evoked potential  southern Taiwan  spasticity  specialist registry  specialization  specialty development  spectroscopy  spinothalamic tract  status epilepticus  stereotactic  stereotyped and disinhibited behavior  steroid‐responsive encephalopathy  stimulation  Streptococcus infection  striato‐capsular region  stroke  stroke management  stroke outcome  Stroke Registry  stroke treatment  structural brain lesions  study design  subacute rhombencephalitis  subarachnoid hemorrhage  subcortical  SUNCT  suramin  survey  sympathetic dysfunction  syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone  α‐synuclein  α‐synuclein Parkinson's disease  systematic review  T. b. gambiense  Tau protein  T‐cell lines  teaching of neurology  temporal lobe epilepsy  tension‐type headache  thalamus  therapy  thigh muscle weakness  thrombolysis  thrombosis  thymoma  tibial nerve stimulation  titin antibodies  Topiramate  transcranial Doppler  transcranial magnetic stimulation  transient epileptic amnesia  transitory ischemic attacks  trauma  traumatic brain injury  Tr cells  traffic accidents  transcranial  trigeminal system  trigemino‐cervical reflex  Tripterugium wilfordii multiglucoside  tuition  ultrasonography  uncertainty  unilateral neglect  vagal nerve stimulation  valproate  varicella  vascular dementia  vasomotor reactivity  Verga's ventricle  vertebral artery  video electroencephalographic monitoring  vigabatrin  viral meningitis  volumetry  warning clinical criteria  wheelchair‐dependency  whiplash  white matter diseases  Wilson's disease  writer's cramp  yawning  yes/no reversals  young‐onset parkinsonism
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