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Similarity of salivary and subgingival Prevotella intermedia and Prevotella nigrescens isolates by arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction
Authors:J. Mä  ttö  ,M. Saarela,B. von,Troil-Lindé  n ,S. Alaluusua,H. Jousimies-Somer,S. Asikainen
Affiliation:Institute of Dentistry, University of Helsinki, Finland;Department of Periodontology, University of Helsinki, Finland;Department of Pedodontics and Orthodontics, University of Helsinki, Finland;Anaerobe Reference Laboratory, National Public Health Institute, Helsinki, Finland
The distribution and the genetic similarity of Prevotella intermedia and Prevotella nigrescens in saliva and in subgingival samples recovered from the same subject were studied in 16 subjects with different periodontal status. The isolates (4 salivary and 4 subgingival P. intermedia/nigrescens group isolates per subject) were identified to species level by hybridization with species-specific oligonucleotide probes, and the clonal analysis was performed using arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction (AP-PCR) (all isolates) and ribotyping (isolates from 5 subjects). In addition, the applicability of AP-PCR in differentiating between P. intermedia and P. nigrescens species was tested using 18 P. intermedia and 20 P. nigrescens isolates from 34 subjects. P. intermedia was detected in 7 and P. nigrescens in 14 of the 16 subjects. In all subjects the same species was found both in saliva and in subgingival plaque. In 15 of the 16 subjects, similar AP-PCR types of P. intermedia and/or P. nigrescens between salivary and subgingival samples were found. The salivary and subgingival isolates that were similar by AP-PCR were indistinguishable also by ribotyping. The AP-PCR analysis revealed a P. intermedia or P. nigrescens species-specific AP-PCR product in most isolates. This study indicates that both P. intermedia and P. nigrescens were found both in salivary and in subgingival samples, and both sampling sites within the same individual were usually colonized with identical AP-PCR types of the species. Thus, in addition to a subgingival sample a salivary sample seems to be suitable for detection and clonal analysis of these species. The AP-PCR method proved to be a simple method applicable for differentiation and clonal analysis of P. intermedia and P. nigrescens.
Keywords:Prevotella intermedia    Prevotella nigrescens    arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction    saliva    subgingival plaque    periodontal bacteria
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