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Serological prevalence and risk factor analysis of hepatitis G virus infection in Hubei Province of China
Authors:De Ying Tian  Dao Feng Yang  Zheng Gang Zhang  Hong Bo Lei  Yuan ChengHuang  Ning Shao Xia
Abstract:Hepatitis G virus (HGV),also known as GB virus C, is a recently cloned virus which may be associated with human non A-E hepatitis[1,2] It is parenterally transmitted and usually coinfected or superinfected with hepatitis B or hepatitis C virus[3-5]. Some investigations have been reported on the seroprevalence and molecular prevalence of HGV infection in different areas and different population[6-15]. Current infection of HGV is diagnosed by detection of HGV RNA, and past infection with HGV is detectable by testing anti-HGV envelope protein (E2)[16-17]. To investigate the prevalence of HGV in Hubei Province, a central area of the People's Republic of China, ELISA and RT-PCR were employed to detect serum anti-HGV and HGV RNA in 1516 patients who were divided into 16 groups.
Keywords:hepatitis G virus  enzymelinked immtmoabsorbent assay  risk factors  polymerase chain reaction  prevalence  transcription,genetic
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