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The adult Bullard laryngoscope as an alternative to the Wis-Hipple 1(1/2) in paediatric patients
Authors:Shulman B  Connelly N R
Affiliation:Department of Anaesthesiology, Baystate Medical Center, Tufts University School of Medicine, Springfield, Massachusetts, USA.
This prospective, randomized study was undertaken to compare the adult Bullard laryngoscope (BL) with the Wis-Hipple laryngoscope (WhL) in paediatric patients with regards to laryngeal view and time to intubation, and whether its efficacy was related to age or weight. Fifty patients scheduled for general anaesthesia between the ages of 1 and 5 years were examined. Patients were randomized into two groups: one group had an initial laryngoscopy via the WhL and then had a laryngoscopy and intubation using the BL; the second group had an initial laryngoscopy with the BL and then had a laryngoscopy and intubation using the WhL. The laryngeal view, attempts at intubation, time to intubation and the reason for any difficulty with intubation were recorded. Correlation was then sought relating attempts and time to intubation with age, and weight. Mean time to intubation was 20 +/- 6 s in the WhL group and 26 +/- 9 s in the BL group (P < 0.02). The majority of the patients had similar laryngeal views in both groups; three patients had a superior view with the BL. Failed intubations occurred in two BL patients; the tracheas were both intubated with the WhL. In one patient, intubation was not possible with the WhL but it was successful with the BL. Multiple passes of the tube off the BL most frequently occurred because of right aryepiglottic fold contact or anterior vocal cord contact. The latter appears to be more problematic when the adult BL is used in the paediatric population. No relationship was found between the time to intubation and age or weight. In an occasional child, the BL provides a superior laryngeal view and provides a means for a successful intubation when a failure with the WhL occurs. Although intubation of children aged 1-5 years takes longer with a BL than a WhL, the adult BL complemented the WhL laryngoscope in paediatric patients.
Keywords:equipment  Bullard laryngoscope  Wis‐Hipple laryngoscope  intubation  tracheal
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