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Transit time ultrasound perivascular flow probe technology is superior to MR imaging on hepatic blood flow measurement in a porcine model
Authors:Mohamed Bekheit  Chloe Audebert  Petru Bucur  Hans Adriaensen  Emilie Bled  Mylène Wartenberg  Irene Vignon-Clementel  Eric Vibert
Affiliation:1. Inserm Unité 1193, 112 Boulevard Paul Valliant Cuturier, Villejuif, France;2. Institute of medical sciences, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK;3. Centre de recherche Inria de Paris, Paris, France;4. Sorbonne Universités, UPMC University of Paris 6, Laboratoire Jacques-Louis, Lions, Paris, France;5. CHRU, hôpitaux de Tours, Chirurgie Hépato-biliaire et Pancréatique, Transplantation Hépatique, Tours, France;6. Plateforme Chirurgie et Imagerie pour le Recherche et l''Enseignement (CIRE), Imagerie, UMR-PRC, 37380 Nouzilly, Centre INRA Val de Loire, France;7. AP-HP, Hôpital Paul Brousse, Centre Hépato-Biliaire, Villejuif, France


The hepatic hemodynamics is an essential parameter in surgical planning as well as in various disease processes. The transit time ultrasound (TTUS) perivascular flow probe technology is widely used in clinical practice to evaluate the hepatic inflow, yet invasive. The phase-contrast-MRI (PC-MRI) is not invasive and potentially applicable in assessing the hepatic blood flow. In the present study, we compared the hepatic inflow rates using the PC-MRI and the TTUS probe, and evaluated their predictive value of post-hepatectomy adverse events.


Eighteen large white pigs were anaesthetized for PC-MRI and approximately 75% hepatic resection was performed under a unified protocol. The blood flow was measured in the hepatic artery (Qha), the portal vein (Qpv), and the aorta above the celiac trunk (Qca) using PC-MRI, and was compared to the TTUS probe. The Bland-Altman method was conducted and a partial least squares regression (PLS) model was implemented.


The mean Qpv measured in PC-MRI was 0.55?±?0.12?L/min, and in the TTUS probe was 0.74?±?0.17?L/min. Qca was 1.40?±?0.47?L/min in the PC-MRI and 2.00?±?0.60?L/min in the TTUS probe. Qha was 0.17?±?0.10?L/min in the PC-MRI, and 0.13?±?0.06?L/min in the TTUS probe. The Bland-Altman method revealed that the estimated bias of Qca in the PC-MRI was 32% (95% CI: ?49% to 15%); Qha 17% (95% CI: ?15% to 51%); and Qpv 40% (95% CI: ?62% to 18%). The TTUS probe had a higher weight in predicting adverse outcomes after 75% resection compared to the PC-MRI (β=?0.35 and 0.43?vs β?=?0.22 and 0.07, for tissue changes and premature death, respectively).


There is a tendency of the PC-MRI to underestimate the flow measured by the TTUS probes. The TTUS probe measures are more predictive of relevant post-hepatectomy outcomes.
Keywords:Hepatic blood flow  Phase contrast MRI  Transit time ultrasound probe  Porcine model  Liver surgery
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