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引用本文:邢桂芝,郑引等. 低温和冷水作业对女工月经的影响[J]. 中国自然医学杂志, 2000, 2(3): 158-159
作者姓名:邢桂芝  郑引等
摘    要:本对接触低温和冷水的女工进行了一次调研,共调查了200名女工,结果发现低温和冷水作业对女工月经有影响达57.5%,未从事此项工作的发病率27.5%,其中以经前期紧张综合征、痛经发病率最高,且随着工作年限的延长而增高。因此,应加强对女工月经期的劳动保护,合理安排女工在低温和冷水作业的时间。

关 键 词:TIL 低温冷水作业 月经变化 影响因素 职业性疾病

Influence of low temperature and cold water on female workers'''' menstruation
XIANG Guizhi,ZHENG Yin,LIU Xin [. Influence of low temperature and cold water on female workers'''' menstruation[J]. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicine, 2000, 2(3): 158-159
Authors:XIANG Guizhi  ZHENG Yin  LIU Xin [
Abstract:An investigation was made among 200 female workers who had to keep contacts with low temperature and cold water.It revealed that 57 5% of these female workers had their menstruation affected by the low temperature and cold water,while the incidence of abnormal menstration was 27 5% in female workers who had no contacts with low temperation and cold water.;Among those affected,premenstrual stress syndrom and menorrhalgia were most common.The longer their working years,the higher the incidence rate.Therefore labor protection should be improved for the female workers,especially during the periods of their menstruation.Working hours for the female workers in contact with low temperature and cold water should be arranged rationally.
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