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引用本文:李忠 高素荣. 经皮质感觉性失语患者的阅读障碍[J]. 卒中与神经疾病, 1997, 4(1): 15-17
作者姓名:李忠 高素荣
作者单位:[1]河北省典隆县医院进修医师 [2]北京医科大学第一医院神经内科
摘    要:

关 键 词:经皮质感染性 失语 语音错读 阅读障碍

The Reading Disturbance in The Patients With Trenscoortial Sensory Aphansia
Li zhong ,Gao surong. The Reading Disturbance in The Patients With Trenscoortial Sensory Aphansia[J]. Stroke and Nervous Diseases, 1997, 4(1): 15-17
Authors:Li zhong   Gao surong
Affiliation:Li zhong 1,Gao surong 2
Analysed the characteristic of the reading disturbance in nine oatients with transcortical sensory aphasia after stroke. The results: (1)Among the reading aloud ten combined words, none showed phonetic paralexia related to phonemic part of words. (2)In the reading aloud of words, there were many word substitution-lexical paralexia. This suggests that the reading disturbance of the nine patients belonged the deep alexia. (3)In word-picture matching subtests, 20% were morpho-phone alexia, and 17.78% were morpho-meaning alexia. These did not show that morpho-meaning association was stronger than morpho-phone's.
Keywords:Transcortical sensory aphasia Deep alexia  Phonetic paralexia morpho-phone alexia Morpho-meaning alexia
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