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引用本文:杨杰, 石艳, 杨慧, 刘基芳, 刘晶. 孕妇被动吸烟对新生儿身长、体重的影响[J]. 中国公共卫生, 2000, 16(9): 788-789. DOI: 10.11847/zgggws2000-16-09-10
作者姓名:杨杰  石艳  杨慧  刘基芳  刘晶
作者单位:1.白求恩医科大学预防医学院 长春130021;2.白求恩医科大学第三临床学院
摘    要:对157例孕产妇进行接触被动吸烟状况的研究及产妇对烟草对人类危害知识和态度进行了调查,并对这些产妇的新生儿进行了身长体重的测量.结果表明,孕妇孕期被动吸烟情况仍然普遍存在,且主要来源于家人、同事及公共场所不同人群的吸烟.

关 键 词:被动吸烟  出生体重  身长  新生儿  知识态度

Effect of Passive Smoking on Birth - Weight and Length
Yang Jie, . Effect of Passive Smoking on Birth-Weight and Length[J]. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 2000, 16(9): 788-789. DOI: 10.11847/zgggws2000-16-09-10
Authors:Yang Jie
Affiliation:1.School of Preventive Medicine Norman Bethune University of Medical Sience, Changchun 130021
Abstract:In this study, 157 pregnant women had been enrolled for the cross-sectional portion of this study to examine the association between environmental tobacco smoke(ETS) exposure and birth weight and length and the knowledge and attitude about tobacco. Results showed that the pregnant women had passive smoking were ubiquity, the ETS mainly come from family,colleagues smoking and public place smokers.
Keywords:Passive Smoking Birth Weight Height Infant Knowledge and attitude
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