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Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Neurodevelopmental Approach
Authors:Kathleen Ludwikowski  MS  RN  CS  Pediatric Nurse Practitioner  owner Marcia DeValk  BA  RN  C  Child  Adolescent Psychiatric Nurse Consultant
Affiliation:Child Assessment Services, Marengo, IL, and Adjunct Faculty, University of Illinois, College of Nursing, Chicago, and Northern Illinois University, College of Nursing, DeKalb;Child Assessment Services, Marengo, IL, and a doctoral student, University of Illinois, College of Nursing, Chicago.
TOPIC. Attention-deficitlhyperactivity disorder is frequently overdiagnosed when a complete evaluation by a knowledgeable clinician is not undertaken. Because of the recent negative media campaign regarding psychos t im ulan t medication, it becomes more imperative that a thorough and accurate evaluation be completed before starting children and adolescents on psychostimulant medications.
PURPOSE. To describe the neurodevelopmental perspective in the assessment and treatment of ADHD.
SOURCES. Published literature and clinical experience.
CONCLUSION. It is useful in practice to conceptualize the dmelopmental path of children with ADHD not as disordered but as delayed, and to build on each child's strengths. The neurodmeloprnental approach provides the child psychiatric nurse a child-focused framework for assessment and development of individualized interventions.
Keywords:Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder    child psychiatry    neurodevelopmental approach
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