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中国六省(区)性病门诊男性就诊者艾滋病相关行为特征及HIV感染状况 影响因素研究
引用本文:许艳,惠珊,孟晓军,明帅,丁正伟,李东民,黑发欣,王璐. 中国六省(区)性病门诊男性就诊者艾滋病相关行为特征及HIV感染状况 影响因素研究[J]. 中华流行病学杂志, 2011, 32(10): 987-990. DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.0254-6450.2011.10.008
作者姓名:许艳  惠珊  孟晓军  明帅  丁正伟  李东民  黑发欣  王璐
作者单位:1. 100730北京协和医学院公共卫生学院;中国疾病预防控制中心性病艾滋病预防控制中心
2. 黑龙江省疾病预防控制中心
3. 中国疾病预防控制中心性病艾滋病预防控制中心
摘    要:
目的 了解中国6省(区)15~90岁性病门诊男性就诊者的艾滋病知识知晓、艾滋病相关行为及HIV感染等状况,分析其HIV感染的影响因素.方法 根据全国艾滋病哨点监测实施方案(试行)操作手册的要求,汇总广西、广东、河南、四川、云南和江西6省(区)2009-2010年国家级性病门诊男性就诊者哨点监测数据.对上报数据进行“清洗”,剔除不合格数据后用SPSS18.0软件进行统计分析.结果 6省(区)共汇总性病门诊男性就诊者资料64 003份,15~49岁组55 220人,≥50岁组8783人(13.7%).两组人群的艾滋病知识总知晓率(69.6%vs.80.1%)、近3个月发生过商业性行为的比例(34.1%vs.36.6%)、近3个月发生过临时性行为的比例(18.7%vs.28.4%)、发生同性肛交性行为的比例(0.7%vs.1.4%)、最近一年做过HIV抗体检测的比例(14.3%vs.17.1%)均为≥50岁组低于15 ~ 49岁组.而≥50岁组HIV抗体阳性检出率高于15 ~49岁组(1.1%vs.0.7%).对≥50岁组多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,有固定性伴(OR=0.588,P=0.034)、发生过同性肛交性行为(OR=5.226,P=0.006)与HIV抗体阳性有关.结论 发生高危性行为(包括同性肛交性行为)是≥50岁性病门诊男性就诊者感染HIV的主要危险因素.

关 键 词:艾滋病  性病门诊  感染状况  影响因素

Study on the HIV infection status, characteristics of AIDS-related behaviors and risk factors among men attending the sexually transmitted disease clinics
XU Yan,HUI Shan,MENG Xiao-jun,MING Shuai,DING Zheng-wei,LI Dong-min,HEI Fa-xin and WANG Lu. Study on the HIV infection status, characteristics of AIDS-related behaviors and risk factors among men attending the sexually transmitted disease clinics[J]. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology, 2011, 32(10): 987-990. DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.0254-6450.2011.10.008
Authors:XU Yan  HUI Shan  MENG Xiao-jun  MING Shuai  DING Zheng-wei  LI Dong-min  HEI Fa-xin  WANG Lu
Affiliation:School of Public Health, Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China.
Objective To understand the status on AIDS awareness,AIDS-related behaviors,risk factors on HIV infection status among 15-90 years or older men at the sexually transmitted disease clinics.Methods Data from the 2009 and 2010 national sentinel surveillance system,regarding men attending sexually transmitted disease clinics was collected from Guangdong,Guangxi,Henan,Sichuan,Yunnan and Jiangxi provinces,where the AIDS epidemic among 15-90 years or older population was serious.Data was uploaded to National Center for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention (NCAIDS) through the comprehensive AIDS control and prevention information system.Data was then analyzed by SPSS 18.0.Results A total of 64 003 pieces of data were collected.Among them,8783 ( 13.7% ) were related to men at ≥ 50 years or older,and to men 15-49 years older were 55 220.The rates on the awareness of AIDS knowledge were from 69.6% vs.80.1%,on frequently having had commercial sexual contacts in the last three months were between 34.1%vs.36.6%,on having had casual sexual contact in the last three months were 18.7% vs.28.4%,on having had homosexual anal intercourse as 0.7% vs.1.4%.The rates of taking HIV antibody testing in the last year (14.3% vs.17.1% ) among this population were all significantly lower than the rate among the 15 to 49 years age group.However,the HlV-positive rate among the older age group (fifty years of age or older) was significantly higher than the rate among 15 to 49 year age group ( 1.1% vs.0.7% ).Regard the fifty years of age or older men.Data from the multivariate logistic regression analysis demonstrated that factors as:having regular partner (OR=0.588,P=0.034),having homosexual anal intercourse (OR=5.226,P=0.006) were associated with positivities of HIV antibody.Conclusion High-risk sexual behaviors,including homosexual anal intercourse were the major risk factors for men at ≥50 years or older age,related to the infection of HIV.
Keywords:Acquired immune deficiency syndrome  Sexually transmitted disease clinic  Infection status  Risk factors
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