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Bronchial carcinoid accompanied by thyroid adenomas and adrenal adenomas.
Authors:H Kaneko  H Hojo  S Ishikawa  M Kikuchi
Abstract:A large tumor massively occupying the left pleural cavity had the findings of both typical carcinoid and onococytoma which were thought to be of bronchogenic origin. The ultrastructural observation of the tumor revealed a mixture of rod-shaped granules in addition to usual round neurosecretory ones. In the nuclei of dark cells of the oncocytoma, a latticed or hatched structure was detected. Besides two adenomas and hyperplastic foci of large acidophilic cells in the thyroid, a black adenoma and cortical adenoma in the adrenal gland, were detected. Moreover, there was an ectopic adrenal gland in the retroperitoneum. Briefly it was suggested that the bronchial carcinoid presented may be related to multiple endocrine adenomatosis.
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