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引用本文:陈立,李秀珠,张礼璧,朱晖,胡家瑜,丁晓光,祝双利,清水博之. 一起引发手足口病流行的肠道病毒71型的分子特征[J]. 中国疫苗和免疫, 2003, 9(5): 283-287
作者姓名:陈立  李秀珠  张礼璧  朱晖  胡家瑜  丁晓光  祝双利  清水博之
作者单位:中国疾病预防控制中心病毒病预防控制所 北京100050(陈立,张礼璧,朱晖,祝双利),上海市疾病预防控制中心 上海200336(李秀珠,胡家瑜),上海市疾病预防控制中心 上海20033(丁晓光),日本国立感染病研究所 东京2080011(清水博之)
摘    要:上海市某幼儿园 2 0 0 0年 10~ 11月发生手足口病 (HFMD)流行 ,从患儿粪便标本中分离到 13株肠道病毒 71型 (EV71) ,血清学实验证明 ,所分离的病毒为此次HFMD流行的病因。对其中的 4株病毒 (SHANGHAI EV71 H2 5、SHANGHAI EV71 H2 6、SHANGHAI EV71 F1和SHANGHAI EV71 F2 )进行了VP1区全基因核苷酸序列测定 ,并做了比较分析。 4株EV71VP1区全基因均为 891个核苷酸 ,编码 2 97个氨基酸 ,与检索到的广东省深圳市和台湾省HFMD病人EV71分离株同源性较高 (>94 % ) ,与脑炎EV71分离株 (BrCr株 )同源性低 (<83% )。种系发生树分析亦表明 ,上海市的 4株EV71与深圳株 (AF30 2 996 EV71 SHZH98)和台湾株 (AF2 86 5 31 FV71 TW 98)亲缘关系较近 ,与BrCr株亲缘关系较远。因此上海市HFMD 4株EV71分离株为本地流行株。

关 键 词:手足口病  肠道病毒71型  逆转录-聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)  碱基序列

Nucleotide Sequence of Enterovirus Type71 Isolated from Hand-foot-and-mouth Disease Patients
CHEN Li,LI Xiu-zhu,ZHANG Li-bi,et al. Nucleotide Sequence of Enterovirus Type71 Isolated from Hand-foot-and-mouth Disease Patients[J]. Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization, 2003, 9(5): 283-287
Authors:CHEN Li  LI Xiu-zhu  ZHANG Li-bi  et al
Abstract:In the year of 2000,there was an endemic of hand-foot-and-mouth disease(HFMD)in a kindergarten in Shanghai From the stool specimens,13 out of 25 specimens were positive of enterovirus type71(EV 71 ) The serological test demonstrated the isolated virus was the pathogen of the HFMD We determined the VP1 nucleotide sequences of strains (H25,H26,F1,F2)isolated from the HFMD pateints,and compared them with the sequences of related enterovirus type71 The complete nucleotide sequences of region VP1 of the 4 strains were all 891 nucleotides long coding 297 amino acids In comparison with the VP1 sequence of two EV 71 strains isolated separately from hand-foot-and-mouth disease patients in Shenzhen and Taiwan in GenBank through internet, the homogeneity of nucleotide sequence was more than 94%,and was low of 83% as compared with BrCr strain The 4 EV 71 strains isolated from hand-foot-and-mouth disease patients in Shanghai were endemic strains
Keywords:Hand-foot-and-mouth disease(HFMD)  Enterovirus type71 (EV 71 )  RT-PCR  Base sequence
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